الان أقدم لكم اجمل واروع المنتجات ومن ارقى الماركات العالميه
لجمالك ورومنسيتك واناقتك
التوصيل بيكون لجميع المناطق عن طريق الما اكسبريس بتكلفة 30ريال وتوصل لباب بيتك
او عن طريق شركة زاجل وانتي تستلمينها من المكتب الموجود بمنطقتك
وخارج المملكه عن طريق البريد الممتاز او العادي ويتم تحديد السعر على الوزن
ولداخل المدينه عن طريق سياره ب15ريال
أولا :
سنفرة للجسم من ارقى الماركات الاوربيه
أنعمي بحمام جميل مع بشرررره مشررررقه ومعطررره وابهرررري من حولك
الان وفرنا لك سيدتي اروع المنتجات لجمال بشرتك وازالة السموم والارهاق منها مع حرارة الصيف
ولتصبح اكثر جمالا واشراقا وبياضا
تمتعي معنا بأرقى المنتجات الامريكيه الرائعه والطبيعيه بالوقت نفسه
دللي بشرتك بهذا الصيف مع منتجاتنا
Draw a bath and travel the world….Just turn on the hot water faucet, dip your foot into the soothing waters, and watch serenely from the tub’s edge as the mirror fogs up. It’s time to remove your watch, take leave of your responsibilities, and reclaim the time for yourself that you deserve. Flower Peddler natural bath products will help transport you to exotic, totally relaxing, and extraordinarily decadent places. When it comes to our skincare, we believe that nature knows best. Nature knows how to calm a breakout, soothe dry skin, and how to relax and rejuvenate us. That’s why we scoured the globe to find the most desirable oils, salts, clays, and herbs to help soothe your body and restore the glow to your skin. Come inside and experience a different world with a different kind of company – Flower Peddler Bath & Beauty
Caribbean Blue – Pacific Salt Glow
Use this wonderfully creamy body scrub with Pacific Sea salt, rich shea butter, and organicsunflower oil and seaweed extract to moisturize & exfoliate your skin at the same time. Tranquil aquatic fragrance notes relax while muguet and musk transform for a fresh, almost sporty fragrance. Our innovative scrub formula rinses cleanly to leave you moisturized and glowing, never greasy.
نقي جسمك من الشوائب مع سكراب بملح المحيط الهادي وانعمي برائحة البحار والمحيطات بهذا المنتج
صنعا من مواد طبيعيه ومضمونه لتنعيم جلدك وترطيبه بأغنى الزيوت الموجوده فيه
Hala Kahiki Sugar Cane Body Smoother
This is tropical island luxury in a jar! We blended pure cane sugar with rich, smooth macadamia nut butter and delicious extra virgin coconut oil for a creamy and decadent skin treat. Fragrance notes of guava, pineapple, coconut, and lei flowers will greet your nose when you open the jar. The rich oils and butters will help condition your skin as the formula rinses clean to leave behind just the right amount of skin-softening moisture
رائحة الأنناس وشجرة الجوافه والزهور
تجتمع لتعطيك اجمل الروائح بهذا السكراب الذي يحتوي على اغنى الزيوت الطبيعيه لترطيب وتغذية الجسم
وتصقله لتجعله ناعم وطري
Yuzu Kwazy™ Sugared Body Polish
Add a little dermal glow to your skin with this mouth-watering edition of our luxurious sugar and shea body polish. We’ve created this creamy, rich exfoliating body scrub with pure cane sugar, kiwi fiber, strawberry seeds, and avocado and jojoba oils. We blended in the lively and invigorating scent of Japanese yuzu to leave skin beautifully fragranced. Our special formula rinses away cleanly so there is no oily residue in your tub or shower only gorgeous, glowing skin on you
أمتزجنا لك رائحة الافوكادو مع الكيوي لتبقى لك رائحه منعشه
وتتميزي بسرها لوحدك
Chocolate Silk & Shea Scrub
Absolute rich, chocolate decadence without the calories! The amazing creamy texture and incredible fragrance of our Chocolate Silk & Shea Scrub will envelope you in luxury. Made with rich organic unrefined shea butter, natural prime cocoa butter, pure cane sugar, glorious cocoa absolute, organic cocoa powder, and actual silk powder, it will exfoliate and help refine skin’s texture for beautifully moisturized, touchable skin. No oil slick, no calories. Life may be a box of chocolates, but with this scrub, you’ll know exactly what you’ll get – pampered!
أذا كنتي من عشاق الشوكلاته ستشبعين رغبتك بهذه الرائحه التي ستنعش جسمك وستجعلك تشتهين اكلها
Himalayan Rose Salt Glow
Your skin will adore this luxurious body scrub made with pink himalayan salt, rose clay, shea butter, and coconut oil. The gorgeous salt in this scrub is a fossil marine salt that is rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron which gives the salt its beautiful speckled pink color. It comes from the Himalayan Mountains at altitudes of over 10,000 feet. The salt is the principle income for the people of the area where it is transported down the mountains once a year to the Nepalese valleys by caravans of yaks. This beautiful salt blended with the rich butters and oils makes a thick and creamy salt glow that is enhanced by a luscious, complex fragrance combination including rose, sandalwood, anise, and musk. Your skin will feel silky smooth and soft and deliciously fragranced!
جلدك سيعشق هذا السكراب اللذي ينظف بالملح الهملاي
غنيه بجميع الزيووت التي تنظف الجسم وترطبه وتوحد لونه وغنية بالمعادن التي يحتاجها الجسم
Mocha Java Mint Scrub
We have had numerous requests from our customers for a scrub using coffee as an exfoliant. While we had heard of these incredibly popular spa treatments being offered at upscale spas in Hawaii and Bali, it wasn’t until we researched the benefits of coffee as a topical scrub that we understood the attraction. Obviously coffee is granular, and therefore, wonderful for exfoliation. What we didn’t know is that caffeine when applied topically may help redistribute fat cells and decrease the formulation of cellulite. It also may act as a vasorestrictor – tightening and shrinking blood vessels. In response to the requests, we’ve combined fine ground 100% Fair Trade Organic and Shade Grown Coffee with brown and cane sugars, mixed in shea butter and sweet almond and jojoba oils to give you our version of this popular spa treatment. For a twist we’ve added sensuous cocoa absolute, cocoa powder, and peppermint essential oil to rich coffee absolute – a little mocha java for the bath. Cellulite or not – this scrub is sure to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth, and you won’t have to go to Bali to enjoy it
اذا كنتي من عشاق القهوه اقتني هذا السكراب الغني بالزيوت المنعمه للبشرره وهذي من التي تعرض في الحمامات المعدنيه الممتازه في هاواي
Paradise Body Polish
We’ve gone scrub crazy, but we just couldn’t resist. This is a great thick, tropical sugar scrub including an irresistible and juicy combination of grapefruit essential oils and just a hint of tropical florals. We’ve used sunflower oil, avocado oil, vegetable glycerin, and vitamin E for moisturization, and brown sugar and raspberry seeds for a gentle exfoliating polish. We also added pink kaolin clay to help detoxify the skin and a little glycerin soap to cleanse away excess oil. This scrub has a gorgeous creamy texture that will leave behind no oily residue, only skin that will feel smooth and soft and smell delicious – a little bit of paradise in a jar.
غنيه بزيوت الفواكه وزيوت النباتيه الضروريه للجسم
والفيتامينا التي ستنعش جسمك وتنعمه وتلطفه وتوحد لونه