السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيفكم ؟ يارب تكونون بخير وسعادة
عندي طلب مستعجل .. ياليت اللي تقدر تترجم لي القطعة هذي تسعفني بترجمها بأسرع وقت
أبغاها اليوم لاهنتوا .. طبعا ابغى الترجمة ..
كل مقطع وش معناهـ ..
محتاجة الترجمة بأسرع وقت تكفون
ربي يوفقها ويرزقها اللي تساعدني
The way in which you read to your child can make or break her pleasure in the experience . it doesn’t matter when it happens , but try to make sure its a fun-filled event for both of you
You may decide that the best time for a story is first thing in the morning when you’re all still tucked up bed . this means you don’t lose the cosy element , but you can choose more colorful stories because you don’t get your child’s imagination working overtime just when you don’t want it to be – in the middle of the night
Make sure you wont be distracted ( take the phone off the hook if necessary ) and give it your all for the 10 minutes or so that your child can concentrate
Read the story through yourself before you read it out loud , so you know its leading and you can give it the right emphasis
You can use facial expressions- raised eyebrows , grimaces , frowns and so on _ to convey the mood of story , you’ll know you’re communicating well when you child’s face
Varying your voice can also keep your listener with you . use different voices for different characters , but be careful not to overdo it . unless you’re both simply enjoying being silly . only one character should have a distinctive voice , or you may distract your child from the storyline
تكفون محتاجته مرره 🙂