dear sisters:dfs:
I am sorry to write in english ,because my computer doesn’t work in arabic..
any way i have a big problem and i want your knowllage on it.
my husband is a very kind man and i love him soo much, but he does not pray most of the time .
i always talk to him about the SALAH. and he says “insha allah i am going to pray soon”
i went to many web sites to know about this , and i read that if your husband does not pray you have to leave him. 😥
i do not want to leave my husband ,and i think if i stay with him and talk to him about it his is going to pray inshallah.
answer me about my Q as soon as you can pleeeease 😆 dfsg:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx المشرفة :يمنع كتابة الايميل الخاص ارجو عدم تكرير الامر xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thank you very much
your sister lobna2 😆 ddhgh: