(( American English Idioms))

Do you want to understand and speak English

!! just like an American

I brought to you some of these idioms I hope you”ll enjoy it.

((Smell a rat : ((when you feel that something is wrong

((Fishy : ((when there is something strange and suspicious

((Cat got your tongue :((it means you cant talk

((For the birds :(( something uninteresting and meaningless

((Take the bull by the horns : (( take decisive action in a difficult situation

These are just the first part of it
And the second one is coming soooon

عن lovehate

شاهد أيضاً

تكفون يا أهل الفزعات تعالو

السلام عليكم تكفووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووون سااعدني ابغا بحث عن هشاشة العظااااااامانجليزي خمس ورقاااات طلبيتكم