Job Vacancies

Al-Meena International School has a vacancy for many positions for the academic year


if you are residing currently in Riyadh, then we would like to meet you

The School is located in Sulaimaniyah, you have to go through Tahliya Street (east) and pass by its intersection with Olaya Road, then pass another traffic light until you reach a Gas Station on your right next to “Araba club”, turn right (taha Husein Street), then pass straight by 4 intersections, go left through the 5th intersection (Al-Oyayna Street), the school is on the corner.

for more information:

Mrs. Rania O. Shehab
Head Academic Coordinator
Al-Meena International School
Tel.: 0096614652781 ext.: 104
mobile: 00966552075234
Riyadh – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
email: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)

عن Robinchan

شاهد أيضاً

تكفون يا أهل الفزعات تعالو

السلام عليكم تكفووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووون سااعدني ابغا بحث عن هشاشة العظااااااامانجليزي خمس ورقاااات طلبيتكم