Teach your self with a dictionary!!

Hello dear friends,, :fragghagi

……..I just wanted to say that it’s great to see this kind of interest for learning

Just an advice from a friend!!!

Back when I was in school or college, I had a lot of difficulties in understanding a lot of difficult words or I just didn’t know the spelling of other words.

And do you know what helped me to enhance my English??

I always carried a dictionary with me!!

Every time you read a book or some thing on the net.
or even when you watch anEnglish movie…..and you don’t understand a word……

Just try to find the meaning not just in Arabic….. but also the meaning of the word in English
So that you understand the word better ….
and then, (if you can) ,try to learn the spelling of the new word ….

!!!!!so by that way you will never forget the new word and you will learn more

I recommend (oxford word power) dictionary (English-English Arabic)
You can find it in (Jarir book store)…..

it’s not just a dictionary….it also includes english grammer, letter writting and example sentences for each wrod……

!!Believe me you will learn a lot from it

On the condition that you ‘re really intersted in learning English….

Because I did and every day I learn more

I hope I didn’t take a lot of your tim….

Thank you for your enormous efforts to help others!!!!!


عن adnan2003

شاهد أيضاً

تكفون يا أهل الفزعات تعالو

السلام عليكم تكفووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ووووون سااعدني ابغا بحث عن هشاشة العظااااااامانجليزي خمس ورقاااات طلبيتكم