أخيرا نطق مجلس الادارة واعتمد توزيع ارباح 2007
تم اقتراح 10% كتوزيعات واعتماد ارباح عملية البيع في ارباح الربع الثاني
[4. Financial Performance
Aabar reported AED 227 million in net proft to shareholders for the helve months ended 31
December 2007 with basic and diluted earnings per share of 25 fils.
Total shareholders’ equity (net of minority interest) as of 31 December 2007 was AED 1,821
Net revenue from continuing operations increased by AED 998 miBimn to AED 1,600 million
compared with the last year. Operating profit increased by AED 374 million to AED 570
million. The increase in h t h revenues and operating profit was due to increased oil
production from Pearl operations and higher oil prices.
I am pleased to inform that the Board of Directors has recommended a 10% cash dividend be
approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
1 would like to take this opportunity to thank Aabar staff for their good performance, and my fellow
board members and our shareh lders for their continued support and look forward to another
successful year ahead
والتوقع بتصير مشاكل وبيكنسلوا الصفقه
والدليل اجتماعهم بخصوص الصكوك
للأمانة قرأت الخبر من هناااااااااااااااا
مبروك لملاك السهم وشكرا على الخبر عزيزنا أبعاد
الله يبارك فيك وفي أهلك أخونا بو طارش
ألف شكر أخوي ….
و مبرووووووووووووك لملاك السهم
الشكر موصول لك اخي dbooor
شكرا اخوي ابعاد وجزاك الله خير
الف مبروووك لملاك السهم