شدني التقرير اللي أصدرته اليوم” أرقام” عن مكررات أرباح الأسواق اخليجية فوجدت أن أقل مكرر ربح دون النظر للأرباح غيرالمتكررة لبعض الشركات هما إعمار وأرابتك … إذن مالذي يمنع أن أعززز استثماري في كل من الشركتين من جديد… أظنه الوقت المناسب لهذه الخطوة
تحياتي ورزقنا الله وإياكم الرزق الحلال
الشركات الـ 10 الأقل من حيث مكرر الربح
الشركة ربح السهم
(درهم) سعر السهم
(درهم) مكرر الربح مكرر الربح التشغيلي ملاحظات
الإمارات للاستثمار 137.778 950.00 6.9
إعمار 1.087 11.20 10.3
أرابتك القابضة 1.545 16.10 10.4
شعاع كابيتال 0.728 8.22 11.3
دبي الوطنية للتأمين 0.332 3.80 11.4
تمويل 0.705 8.17 11.6 ملاحظات
الإمارات دبي الوطني 0.947 12.00 12.7
الخليجية للاستثمارات 0.574 7.64 13.3 ملاحظات
دبي التجاري 0.756 10.30 13.6
دبي الإسلامي 0.645 8.95 13.9
مكرر الربح ( متضمنا بنودا غير متكررة )
دبي للتأمين** 4.320 28.90 6.7 ملاحظات
دبي للاستثمار ** 0.602 4.10 6.8 ملاحظات
الاسمنت الوطنية ** 1.501 10.30 6.9 35.1 ملاحظات
عمان للتأمين** 1.103 9.70 8.8 ملاحظات
بالاضافه الى مشاركة الأخوه , رأيت أن أقتبس هذا الجزء من كتاب “William J.oneil- Ho to make money in Stocks” حول موضوع ال P/E :-
[How price -earning ratios are misuse
” Never buy a stock solely because the P/E ratio makes it look like a bargain . There are usually good reasons why P/E are low, and there is no golden rule in the stock market that protects a stock taht sells at 8 or 10 times earnings from going even lower and selling at 4or5 times earnings
Many wall street analysts put a stock on thier “buy” list because its selling in the low end of its historical P/Erange. They will also recommend a stock when the price starts to drop, thereby lowering P/E and making it seem like an even bigger bargain . In 1998, Gillette and coac-cola looked like great buys because they sold off several points and thier P/Es looked more attractive . In actuality , the earnings growth in both companies showed material decleration , which justified a lower P/e valuation. Much of this questionable method of P/E ANALYSIS IS BASED ON PERSONAL OPNIONS and theories handed down through the years by analysts,academians,and others who often have questionable track records when it comes to making money in the market. Reliance on P/E ratios often ignores more basic trends. For example , the general market may have topped out, in which case all stocks are headed lowe . It is ridiculous and spmewhat navive to say a company is undervalued because at one time it was 22 times earnings and it can now be bought for15 times earnings
أقدر مشاركات الإخوة … وصحيح إن مكرر الربح هو أحد معايير تقييم الاستثمار بأي سهم وليس المعيار الوحيد … لكن أيضا من زاوية أخرى الأسهم التي ذكرت أيضا تنمو أرباحها بنسبة نمو جيدة ولله الحمد. ومن المتوقع في السنوات القادمة لها نمو جيد في الأرباح بحول الله.
إلى كل من يستخدم مكرر الربحية P/E لتحديد وجهته فى الإستثمار أن يطلع على هذا الشرح المبسط لكرر الربحية قبل إتخاذ قراره النهائى .
هذا بعض الشرح الخاص بمضاعف الربحية أو P/E من أحد المواقع التعليمية الشهيرة Welcome to Investopedia.com – Your Source for Investing Education
Earnings is an accounting figure that includes non-cash items. Furthermore, the guidelines for determining earnings are governed by accounting rules (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)) that change over time and are different in each country. To complicate matters, EPS can be twisted, prodded and squeezed into various numbers depending on how you do the books. The result is that we often don’t know whether we are comparing the same figures, or apples to oranges. (For more on this, see Different Types Of EPS.)
In times of high inflation, inventory and depreciation costs tend to be understated because the replacement costs of goods and equipment rise with the general level of prices. Thus, P/E ratios tend to be lower during times of high inflation because the market sees earnings as artificially distorted upwards. As with all ratios, it’s more valuable to look at the P/E over time in order to determine the trend. Inflation makes this difficult, as past information is less useful today.
Many Interpretations
A low P/E ratio does not necessarily mean that a company is undervalued. Rather, it could mean that the market believes the company is headed for trouble in the near future. Stocks that go down usually do so for a reason. It may be that a company has warned that earnings will come in lower than expected. This wouldn’t be reflected in a trailing P/E ratio until earnings are actually released, during which time the company might look undervalued
ارابتك تم احتساب ربح السهم 1.545 على اساس ان المتوقع بأخر السنه الماليه هو 915 مليون درهم
المصيبة مب بمكرر الارباح المصيبة بنسبة نمو في الارباح الصافية