وهران (الجزائر) (رويترز) – قال الامين العام لمنظمة أوبك عبد الله البدري ان المنظمة اتفقت يوم الاربعاء على أعمق خفض في انتاج النفط على الاطلاق وذلك لمواجهة تدهور الطلب وتراجع أسعار الخام.

وأوضح أنه تقرر خفض الامدادات 4.2 مليون برميل يوميا على أساس مستويات انتاج سبتمبر أيلول

12 thoughts on “أوبك تتفق على خفض معروض النفط 4.2 مليون

  1. Dear mr meedo2002, cool down you either sepestamstic person or naive in thinking ,if you think that a 4.2 b/day reductution will not increase the price of oil and that is only for the OPEC prouducing countries andf taking into consideration the cuts of the Russians THE mexican and Narway, which at the end will benifit their taxes from oil more than the opec profit from the same then you should re study your artmatic

    Dear UAE SON
    I f you go back to the history when OPEC increased the OIL production, the OIL price went up to $147 more than any one expected and they kept saying it will reach $200 by the end of 2008. There were many future and forward contracts to buy and sell OIL. These contracts were initiated at the begining of 2008 and the execution date was October, Novemeber and December 2008. many investors fell in this trap and lost so much money because of the drop in the OIL price. It was a game well played by those who control the OIl market. Now how many times OPEC reduced the production and nothing happened ..Can you check how much the oil price now, it is 41 or 42. If you think OPEC decision has a meaning to them OIL price should jump to at least $50.My friend I am not naive..and this is a bad word you should not use it. If you are smart and you know what is happening in the market, can you explain what is happening in Dubai stock market, can you explain why the OIL price went up to $147 and then went down in 3 months to $45. we should respect each other even if we do not agree on what we write

  2. You will see the OIL price will go down..They only want to tell OPEC countries you are nothing, your decision does not mean anything to us..You do not control the oil we control it..You only have the land that has the oil but do not have anything else but to take a small percentage of the production and the rest in our hand. Please wake up OPEC and find out what is your exact position in the international OIL market. Please get united and get together and force your decision on your enemies and use all kind of tools that make you strong otherwise goodbye and go sleep in the desert as your friends are planning to do this for you in the future

    Dear mr meedo2002, cool down you either sepestamstic person or naive in thinking ,if you think that a 4.2 b/day reductution will not increase the price of oil and that is only for the OPEC prouducing countries andf taking into consideration the cuts of the Russians THE mexican and Narway, which at the end will benifit their taxes from oil more than the opec profit from the same then you should re study your artmatic

  3. Dec 17, 2008 – 09:24 –

    الجزائر/اوبك/تخفيض الانتاج.

    وهران في 17 ديسمبر / وام / قرر وزراء النفط والطاقة في الدول الاعضاء في منظمة /اوبك/ في ختام اجتماعهم الاستثنائي الـ/ 151 / الذي عقد اليوم في مدينة وهران في الجزائر تخفيض حجم الانتاج النفطي 2ر2 مليون برميل يوميا ابتداء من أول يناير 2009 وذلك للحد من التراجع الكبير الذي عرفته اسعار النفط في المدة الاخيرة.

    وقال شكيب خليل وزير الطاقة الجزائري ورئيس منظمة الدول المصدرة للبترول /اوبك/ في تصريحات صحفية في ختام المؤتمر ان قرار التخفيض الذي تم الاتفاق عليه سيؤدي حتما الى توازن بين العرض والطلب مؤكدا ان الاسعار ستستقر في مستوى لاباس به.

    واضاف ان وزراء اوبك سيجتمعون في مارس القادم في فيينا وسيتم خلاله تقييم اثر هذا القرار على السوق.



  4. طيب مش المفروض يرتفع السعر

    ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟المفروض ان شاء الله يرتفع وتتحسن الامور

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