{{{بمناسبة شهر الخير والعطاء أقدم لكم هدية عبارة برنامج محاسبي متكامل رائع }}}
كل ماعليك هوادخال راس المال المستخدم ومن ثم اذهاب لعمليات البيع والشراء واختيار السوق ومن ثم تحديد العمولة الجديدة او القديمة.
بعد ادخال كل الاسهم من عمليات البيع والشراء بامكانك معرفة رصيدك من الاسهم ورصيدك من المال ويمكنك طباعه تقرير حسب المشتريات او المبيعات وذلك حسب تاريخ الشراء او البيع وحسب الشركة وأرجو أن تنال رضاكم

{{ مــنــقــول }}

61 thoughts on “{{{ أ قـــدم لــكم هــديـة بـرنـامـج مـحـاسـبـي مـتـكـامـل رائــع }}}

  1. [QUOTE=newcomer]why u dont speak and write in Arabic??

    as i see ur pc enabled Arabic
    It doesnt make sense writing in English since all ur reader Arabi ,and ur pc enabled Arabic , and u understand Arabic as we see

    simply becuz , its the same image as when somebody write and spk in Araibc where all ppl around him English or American

    If u don mind could u plz tell us where r u from , so may we can find excuz for u.


    Dear newcomer,,
    first of all i dont need to expalin what a, doing coz every one got the right to write they way he likes

    please check this link, and please everyone stop asking me the same qs over and over


  2. Salam all…..

    i tried to use it, its easy but you need to exercise it..i dont know if am using it the right way, bss try it
    1- go the ادخال اوامر البيع و الشراء

    2- choose the company

    )check the two boxes on the left)
    3-choose buy or sell
    4- enter number of shares
    5-click enter and you will get the shares value , but am not sure if it includes the commison
    the click on save.

    this will be saved for u,
    the close this window and go to
    حركه المحفظه و الرصيد
    and you will be able to see the transaction.

    this is from my small experince…if everyone will put his own i think we will all know how it works

    why u dont speak and write in Arabic??

    as i see ur pc enabled Arabic
    It doesnt make sense writing in English since all ur reader Arabi ,and ur pc enabled Arabic , and u understand Arabic as we see

    simply becuz , its the same image as when somebody write and spk in Araibc where all ppl around him English or American

    If u don mind could u plz tell us where r u from , so may we can find excuz for u.


  3. شكرا جزيلا على البرنامج وسؤال لو تكرمت هل من الممكن إضافة قائمة موجودات المحفظه الحاليه وضمها الى البرنامج .

  4. Salam all…..

    i tried to use it, its easy but you need to exercise it..i dont know if am using it the right way, bss try it
    1- go the ادخال اوامر البيع و الشراء

    2- choose the company

    )check the two boxes on the left)
    3-choose buy or sell
    4- enter number of shares
    5-click enter and you will get the shares value , but am not sure if it includes the commison
    the click on save.

    this will be saved for u,
    the close this window and go to
    حركه المحفظه و الرصيد
    and you will be able to see the transaction.

    this is from my small experince…if everyone will put his own i think we will all know how it works


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