RSH Limited Announces Ownership Interest Of Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar
Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 05:50am EDT
RSH Limited announced that Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar is holding an interest in 80,567,633 shares, representing 22.85% in the share capital of the Company. Earlier Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar was holding an interest of 25.97% in the share capital of the Company.
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
Emaar Properties PJSC’s Emirates Property Holdings Limited Completes Offer For RSH Limited
Thursday, 30 Jul 2009 09:10am EDT
Standard Chartered Bank (the Financial Adviser) announced that the offer by Emirates Property Holdings Limited (the Offeror), an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Emaar Properties PJSC (Emaar Properties), for all the issued ordinary shares (Shares) in the capital of RSH Limited (RSH), other than the Charged Shares and those Shares already owned, controlled or agreed to be acquired by the Offeror and the Relevant Parties has been completed.
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
Emaar acquires Golden Ace debt
by Martin Morris on Sunday, 21 June 2009
Emaar Properties, through its subsidiary Emirates Property Holdings Limited, has acquired $122 million worth of debt on Golden Ace Pte. Ltd’s books.
The loan was in default due to the inability of Golden Ace’s majority shareholder to service it.
Through the deal Emaar will now be able to exercise voting rights equivalent to 61.3% of the shares in RSH Limited (RSH).
Emaar acquires Golden Ace debt – Retail –
نترك لكم التعليق …
فهمج صحيح اختي ولكن التاريخ قد يعيد نفسه ونجد ان مساهمين اعمار قد يجدوا انفسهم فجأة في ادغال اوغندا وهذا ما استنتجته بعد قرائتي للخبر الاوغندي ….
الرئيس الأوغندي يدعو “محمد العبار” للاستثمار في أوغندا
أرقام 16/06/2010
قالت الحكومة الأوغندية إنّ رئيس أوغندا – يو ويري موسيفيني- دعا محمد العبار للاستثمار في قطاعات الطاقة والزراعة في أوغندا، بحسب ما نقلت صحيفة ذي ناشيونال الصادرة من أبوظبي.
وأضافت متحدثة عن الرئاسة الأوغندية قائلة إنّ موسيفيني وفي خلال محادثات أجراها مع العبار، دعاه لأن تتقدم شركة أفريكا ميدل إيست ريسورسز، التي يترأسها العبار، بعروضها للمنافسة على عقود في أوغندا.
وقالت مصادر إن شركة أفريكا ميدل إيست ريسورسز، هي شركة جديدة مقرها في دبي، أسسها العبار للاستثمار في إفريقيا.
وأضافت الصحيفة أنّ محمد العبار، الذي يشغل مناصب عديدة منها رئيس مجلس إدارة إعمار العقارية ونائب رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة دبي للألمنيوم ورئيس مجلس إدارة شركة إيمكريديت، كان في زيارة لكمبالا، العاصمة الأوغندية، يوم الأحد لاستكشاف الفرص الاستثمارية هناك.
هذا وقال موسيفيني إن أوغندا تعتبر بيئة استثمارية مناسبة وتتمتع بمنافذ إلى الأسواق المعفاة من الضرائب في أمريكا وأوروبا والهند والصين، مُشجعا شركة أفريكا ميدل إيست ريسورسز للاستثمار في المشاريع الكهرومائية والمشاريع الغذائية في أوغندا.
وكانت أوغندا اكتشفت مؤخرا احتياطيا كبيرا من النفط قرابة حدودها مع جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية، ويعتقد أنّ أوغندا تمتلك احتياطيا قد يصل لـ 2 مليار برميل من النفط، تم اكتشاف ما يعادل 800 مليون برميل منه حتى الآن.
ط§ظ„ط±ط¦ظٹط³ ط§ظ„ط£ظˆط؛ظ†ط¯ظٹ ظٹط¯ط¹ظˆ “ظ…ط*ظ…ط¯ ط§ظ„ط¹ط¨ط§ط±” ظ„ظ„ط§ط³طھط«ظ…ط§ط± ظپظٹ ط£ظˆط؛ظ†ط¯ط§
ما يصير اشكرك عشر مرات بدل مره , احس مره ماتكفي
آقول بيض الله وجهك
* Asterisks denote mandatory information
“DISCLAIMER:- This announcement was prepared and issued by the below mentioned listed issuer to the Exchange. The Exchange assumes no responsibility for the correctness of any of the statements made, opinions expressed or reports contained in this announcement and is posting this announcement on SGXNET for the sole purpose of dissemination only. In the event of any queries or clarification required in respect of any matters arising from this announcement, such queries are to be made to the listed issuer directly and not to the Exchange. The Exchange shall not be liable for any losses or damages howsoever arising as a result of the circulation, publication and dissemination of this announcement.”
Name of Announcer * RSH LIMITED
Company Registration No. 197702094H
Announcement submitted on behalf of RSH LIMITED
Announcement is submitted with respect to * RSH LIMITED
Announcement is submitted by * Foo Soon Soo
Designation * Company Secretary
Date & Time of Broadcast 10-Feb-2009 17:23:45
Announcement No. 00054
The details of the announcement start here …
1. Date of notice to issuer * 04-02-2009
2. Name of Director * Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar
3. Please tick one or more appropriate box(es): *
# Notice of a Director’s (including a director who is a substantial shareholder) Interest and Change in Interest. [Please complete Part II and IV]
1. Date of change of Interest 04-02-2009
2. Name of Registered Holder Falcon Investment (FZC)
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others
# Please specify details
Transfer of 70,067,633 issued and paid-up ordinary shares in the capital of RSH Limited from H.E. Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar to Falcon Investment (FZC) as a gift for no consideration.
Transfer of 2,480,500 ordinary shares in the capital of RSH Limited from Sayed Fuad Sayed Mansoor to Falcon Investment (FZC) as a gift for no consideration.
H.E. Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar is deemed to have an interest in the 72,548,133 ordinary shares in the capital of RSH Limited held by Falcon Investment (FZC) as he controls the exercise of all the voting shares in Falcon Investment (FZC).
4. Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder
No. of Shares held before the change 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 %
No. of Shares which are subject of this notice 72,548,133
As a percentage of issued share capital 20.57 %
Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received 0
No. of Shares held after the change 72,548,133
As a percentage of issued share capital 20.57 %
1. Date of change of [Select Option]
2. The change in the percentage level From % To %
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest [Select Option]
# Please specify details
4. A statement of whether the change in the percentage level is the result of a transaction or a series of transactions:
1. Holdings of Director , including direct and deemed interest :
Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 70,067,633 0
As a percentage of issued share capital 19.87 % 0 %
No. of shares held after the change 0 72,548,133
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 % 20.57 %
Total size = 0
(2048K size limit recommended)
لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله
ياخوي اضرب في الميت ما يفيد
هو شي باقي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
يمكن بعد شي واحد باقي يسكرون اسوق وكل واحد يتوكل يشوفله شغله ثانيه