اي ساعة الاجتماع اليوم والرجاء على من يحضر الاجتماع ان يخبرنا بالاخبار السارة ..ان شاء الله..
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اي ساعة الاجتماع اليوم والرجاء على من يحضر الاجتماع ان يخبرنا بالاخبار السارة ..ان شاء الله..
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أرابتك القابضة: محضر اجتماع الجمعية العمومية العادية المنعقدة في 27/03/2010
Dubai Financial Market, PJSC
Bu Hamzah
You are correct – But Keep your stocks
The prices that we see now are big jokes
All global markets are achieving new highs – we were at 2400 in November before Dubai World, now we are going back to 2400 and 3000 by June In Shaa Allah
All stock will be doubled at least
Dividends – do you call 7 fils, or 10 fils a dividends, you can make this 10 fils in one day from Emaar or ARTC or even DFM
The appointment of Henry Azzam has no meaning other than a big secret and something that will happen in the near future that required some one in his size to be a Board Member
His presence means the support of global banking system to ARTC for future projects
This may mean, either the Russian Project is on the way OR may be there will be no need for Aabar deal if there is another source of financing
Wait & See
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك … لك مني أجمل تحية .