Be sure to read the very last line after the photo

A truck was traveling down the highway at around 1 o’clock in the morning near Tulsa , Oklahoma .

Motorcyclist was traveling at ~120mph and ran into the back of the moving semi-truck…

Truck driver said he felt the impact, and it took almost a 1/4 mile for him to pull over.

This is what he found…

He lived.!!!

wear your helmet!


5 thoughts on “الخوذه لسلامتك “صور”

  1. الله يحفظ المسلمين من كل شر
    والوقايه يا شباب خير من العلاج

    ملابس الوقايه الشخصيه يعتبر خط الدفاع الاخير للشخص بعد اخذ الاعتبار في المهاره والخبره والتدريب ومعرفة الخطوره سواء في السواقه او في اي من مجالات العمل

    وتسلمون جميعا ومشكورين ع المرور

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