السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اقربو اشربو القهوه ورطب الصيف اللذيذ
سامحوني تاخرت في الموضوع لضروف الصيف والسفر
بس اخيرا اخوكم يوسف رجع ويايبلكم شي يديد الدفعه اليديده
طبعا المميز في الموضوع …
الخدمه ما بعد البيع وهي كالاتي :
بعد ما تستلم التلفزيون في حالة الصيانه ارسللكم المندوب ياخذ التلفزيون من مكان ما انتو فيه ويقومون بالصيانه لا سمح الله ويرجعولكم اياه بدون اي رسوم ..
تاكدوا من وجود فاتورة رسميه بالضمان ..
وهذي الخدمه هي اهم خدمه نحنا نقدمها لان كل المحلات التجاريه تجبرك انك تيب البضاعه لعندهم عشان يقوومون بالصيانه الازمه اما عندي خلاص نحنا نقوم بكل شي من دون تعب ولا شي ..
اي شخص عنده اي استفسار عن البضاعه يتصل فيني تلفون او يراسلني على الخاص او يرسلي اميل الموضوع هنا للعرض وليس للنقاش ..
التوصيل فقط 50 درهم لاي مكان في الدوله .. وفي فتره زمنية اقصاها 24 ساعه فقط .. ويدفعها مره وحده بس
تخيلو عندكم واحد شاري الشاشه من بوظبي ولا من العين ولا من الغربية ولا الفجيره ولا راس الخيمه ولا سمح الله هذي قطعه الكترونية معناها لازم ياخذ فاتورة بالضمان .. ولو تعطلت تخيلو انه يضرب خط من المكان اللي هو فيه لحد دبي .. هذي صعبه وايد لكن خلاص نحنا نتكفل بكل هذا في برنامجنا الشهور والمعروف بالنسبه للتلفزيونات برنامج الخدمه ما بعد البيع ..
بعض التلفزيونات يكون وياها هديه هوم سينما .. وعلاقه مجانا بعضها وهذا تحديا للوكيل نفسه في الاسعار والمواصفات والموديلات اللي ما نزلت في الخليج ليومكم هذا لو نزلت يكون الفرق شاسع ..
اخواني احتراما لقوانين المنتدى عندي بضايع ممنوعه مرغوبه واللي يبغي يشوفها يرسلي يضيفني على اميلي
للتواصل 0504773331
اخوكم يوسف
السلام عليكم
لي الفخر يا اخوي الغالي انك تقول ها الكلام والف الحمدالله على السلامه ونورة يا الشيخ ..
الواحد يا خوي الغالي مب ماخذ شي من الدنيا دام انه عنده القدره على تقديم الخدمه المتميزه للناس وما راح يخسر فيها شي ليش يبخل على الناس الحمدالله رب العالمين كل الناس اللي تعاملت وياي كانت راضيه عن كل شي سوا كانت البضاعه ولا التعامل نفسه .. شغلتنا صعبه وايد ولو نحنا ما اتقناها الاخ اللي يشتري عنك ما راح يرجع يشتري عنك مره ثانيه لكن لله الحمد اللي يشتري ييب اخوه والعايله كلها وربعه وهذا من فضل ربي لله الحمد وفضل الشباب ..
كلي فخر واعتزاز ان عندي اخوان شراتكم
اخواني انا داخل هنيه استرزق مب داخل ساحت حرب
وانا اللي اقدر عليه اسويه والباقي على الله والنعم بالله
وجزاكم الله خير وشكر جزيلا يا منتدى الامارات للاوراق المالية لانه عرفني على فئة كبيره من الناس الطيبيه شراوك يا الغالي اخ عزيز طال عمرك ..
السلام عليكم
مثل ما عودتكم بالجديد والجديد والجديد
تلفزيون سامسونج 7 سيريس LCDLED الجديد 40 بوصه
طبعا هذا التلفزيون نزل في اوروبا بس ما نزل في الامارات .. طبعا هو عريض عادي حاله حال اي تلفزيون ال سي دي بس فيه الزياده تكنولوجيا LED الجديده باك لايت اسمها .. ولكم التفاصيل في الاسفل
لكنها موجوده في اوروبا صارلها اكثر من 8 شهور تقريبا
للاسف هذي التكنولوجيا وصلت الامارات قبل شهرين بس
تخيلو سعرها فقط
فقط 4400 درهم
هوم سينما + التلفزيون + العلاقه فقط 4400 درهم ..
للتواصل 0504773331
Samsung Crystal TV
Samsung Crystal TV fanger skønheden i naturen med sine flotte linjer og smukke farveskift.
Samsung Crystal TV er udført i et nyskabende materiale, der ikke bare ser smukt ud, men som også skåner miljøet. Med Samsung Crystal TV er det lykkedes SAMSUNG at kombinere højteknologi og førsteklasses design. digital tv
Modellen 676 har indbygget digital-tuner for både luftbårne- og kabel transmitterede signaler (DVB-T og DVB-C). Desuden er den forberedt for at modtage TV-og HDTV signaler i MPEG4 (gældene for 676). For at se de digitale betalingskanaler skal du have et CA-modul og et programkort (købes separat).
100Hz Motion Plus
100Hz Motion Plus giver en behagelig seeroplevelse ved intelligent beregning af bevægelser og skabelse af nye billeder. Med 100Hz Motion Plus behøver du ikke bekymre dig om rystede og uskarpe billeder. Selv i scener med hurtige bevægelser bevarer billedet sin skarphed. 4HDMI
SAMSUNG 7-serien har hele 4 HDMI, som garanterer dig perfekt tilslutning, helt digitalt. Et af stikkene er placeret på siden af tv’et, hvilket gør det lettilgængeligt.
Med HDMI CEC kan du styre alle dine apparater fra SAMSUNG fra én og samme fjernbetjening, så dit tv bliver samlingspunktet i dit hjem.
LED local dimming
LED-baseret backlight består til forskel fra konventionelt backlight af LED-dioder. De kan tilpasses af/på forskellige dele af billedet, hvilket et fænomenalt øget kontrastforhold. full-HD
Oplev den højeste opløsning med Full-HD 1080p. Med Full-HD bliver film mere levende på dit tv. ultra clear panel
Ultra clear panel lukker alt omgivende lys ude, hvilket betyder, at billederne altid bliver skarpe med levende farver og optimal kontrast. 2.000.000:1 dynamic contrast
LED-baseret backlight med individuelt kontrolleret lysstyrke på forskellige dele af billedet giver et utrolig højt dynamisk kontrastforhold. eco flower
SAMSUNG 7-serien lcd-tv er certificeret i henhold til det europæiske Eco-label “Blomsten”. Certificeringen betyder, at produkterne er mere miljøvenlige og økologisk tilpassede. Tv-apparater, der får ”Blomsten” forbruger mindre energi, indeholder mindre farlige materialer og er nemmere at genvinde. Læs mere på
نبذه عن هذا التلفزيون :-
Right now, all of the main TV manufacturers are releasing their first offerings backlit using a series of LEDs rather than traditional lamps.
Never one to fall behind the times, Samsung has released its A796 series.
They feature glossy Full HD screens, and although there is an anti-glare coating to cut down on reflections, this leaves a lot to be desired.
Another disappointment is the fact the stand the screen is on doesn’t rotate.
The frame around the screen itself is light and dignified, with a light blue tinge that only shows up in under a certain light–out with the red from Samsung’s previous TVs, but the effect is largely the same.
Turning it around, a standard set of connectors is on offer: 2 SCART sockets, 4 HDMI ports, including one on the side, an S-Video as well as optical audio and a USB port which allows you to use the WiseLink interface to play MP3s and look at digital photos on your TV.
The remote is exactly the same as those on Samsung’s Series 8, which means the same slightly stiff backlit buttons.
They’re nice and big, which, along with the backlighting, makes them easy to spot in the dark, but we’d rather Samsung had stuck with a more logical layout which would have done the job just as well.
Finally, the fact it’s made of cheap plastic doesn’t do very much to complement the finish quality of the rest of the TV.
Smart LED: Our Verdict
Given that what’s new here is the backlighting–which promises above all to improve the contrast–we were keen to get this TV straight into our labs and take it for a spin with its default settings.
The first thing we noticed was that switching the input to HDMI automatically activates the Film presets which tended to give better results; by default the tuner uses Standard mode, which appears deceptively easy on the eye but actually is quite weak in practice.
Our first readings, then, were in Film mode, because we had the TV connected via one of its HDMI ports.
They were frankly rather disappointing, and here’s why:
Colors are way off what they should be, with blues in particular straying far too close to cyan. This defect is corrected by switching the color space from ‘Auto’ to ‘Native’ in the menus, which leads us to wonder what the point of using this as the default setting is. Even after deactivating this feature, however, this TV still can’t manage a DeltaE reading of less than 3, and is generally closer to 5.
The contrast is convincing, but is far too changeable. By default, the hundreds of LEDs that light the screen from behind get brighter or dimmer according to the image currently shown on their area of the screen. So, in dark parts of the frame, the LEDs are turned right down, while in lighter areas the LEDs will give out more light. Unfortunately, this system, dubbed Smart LED by Samsung, doesn’t always work perfectly. In our tests, when we showed a 10% gray square (very dark) against a black background, it was practically invisible because the backlighting wasn’t powerful enough. Turning Smart LED off sorted out the gamma curve and allowed the square to stand out from its background.
Some critics will claim that these problems mean that the proposed advantages of this new type of backlighting are lost, then.
We would retort that LED backlighting hasn’t yet had a chance to prove its worth.
It certainly allows for incredibly dark blacks and thus provide incredibly strong binary contrasts between black and white.
However, on the other and, this process serves to make the image appear rather unnatural, and we’re not at all sure it’s worth it.
With Smart LED turned off, our measures for ANSI contrast were around 1250:1 compared to 1800:1 with the feature activated.
Despite this improved contrast ratio, even without Smart LED, the level of black is around 0.1 cd/m², an excellent score that takes some beating.
Viewing Tests
Our viewing tests only served to confirm what we learned in the lab: this TV gives far better results after a little tweaking, and especially when Smart LED is turned off and the color space adjusted.
Even after being reconfigured, the colors it delivers are still not quite right in our test scenes, but will probably seem reasonable in everyday use.
For the most hardcore out there, a few more adjustments can be made but these have very specific effects and are only worthwhile if you’re seeking absolute perfection for a particular scene or clip.
Contrast seems excellent to the eye, and it’s really easy to get drawn into HD movies, which the Motion Plus 100 Hz feature makes a lot more fluid.
If you prefer to watch your films at their original framerate (24 fps) you can, but turning on Motion Plus cuts out ghosting and jerkiness, even if it is just a little less accurate than the version Sony includes on its TVs.
In particular, movements are sometimes appear faster than they should, but the effect is a lot more under control than it is on Philips’ MODEL NUMBER, for instance.
Upscaling is far from perfect, and a long way from our Sony PlayStation 3, which is still the best out there.
Like a lot of other Samsung TVs, using a lower resolution signal on a screen this big results in a slight blur, but the results are generally acceptable.
TV programs remain entirely watchable, but if you’re a DVD fan, you might prefer to use a DVD player with a good upscaling chip that will pass an HD signal straight to the TV rather than allowing the TV to do this job itself.
When it comes to colors, the viewing angles are fine, but even at 2.5 meters from the screen, if you have more than four viewers, light levels seem to drop as you move away to the sides, particularly in darker areas of the screen.
Ironically, the strongest argument in favor of the Smart LED system we discussed above is that it helps combat this problem.
Because the LEDs behind dark zones are switched off, there is no extra light spilling out across the screen, even if you look at it side-on.
Despite the fact it helps resolve this classic problem common to all LCD screens, we don’t think it’s worth recommending the activation of Smart LED except in very particular circumstances.
We found the speakers very disappointing and the sound they produced is very tinny.
They are on each side of the screen, and face the wall behind the TV, which gives the impression that the sound is bouncing around the inside of the TV.
بالتوفيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــق اخــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــوي
السلام عليكم
اخيرا وصل عندي تلفزيون ينافس سعر الوكيل تقدر تتصلون في الوكيل وتسالونه .. وسمعو كم بيقول سعره سيريس 6 32 بوصه
سامسونج 32 بوصه شاشته كرستال 6 سيريس الاحدث
تلفزيون 32 بوصه + هوم سينما + علاقه هذيلا كلهم بسر 2350درهم بس كيف ومتى وليش ما عرف تحديا للوكيل نفسه والمصنع نفسه ..
ميزة هذا التلفزيون اللي تختلف عن باقي التلفزيونات ان هذا التلفزيون شاشته كرستال فرق عن السيريس 5 شاشته ميت العاديه ..
شو تبون احسن من جذي 32 بوصه موجود في الوكيل بسعر خيالي وموجود عندي انا بس بسعر مثل هذا ..
للتواصل 0504773331
Resolution Full HD 1920 x 1080
Colour Rose Black
Contrast Ratio 15,000:1
Tuner Digital Tuner
Screen Size 37
HD Ready Full HD (1080)
Dimensions 64 x 93 x 24 cms
Weight 18 Kgs
Warranty 1 Year
Response Time 6 ms
Features 100hz, 24p
Connections 4 x HDMI, Component, Composite, S-Video, PC Input, 2 Scart, Minijack Audio Out