اشحالكم يا امهات ؟؟

اللي تبي ترتاح و تريح بيبيها اللي حليله ما يروم يمسك المرضعه سواء في الطلعات في البيت و اي مكان
عندي الحل …

هاذي المراضع اللي عرضتهم اوبرا بالشو ماركة بودي و للمره 11 اييبها لكم و لكثره الطلب و الحمدلله
لكن هالمره غيرت الشركه شكلها.. .. المرضعه 250 ملل

انهم مريحيين للطفل وانهم سهل انج ترضعين الطفل من دون تعب
ويقلل من الاصابه بالتهاب الاذن لان الطفل لما يرضع وهو نايم معظم الحليب يتسرب للاذن ويسبب
يقلل من حدوث الغازات
الحلمه لا تسرب الحليب يعني اذا الولد رما الرضاعه مايتسرب الحليب على المفرش او السرير

وسهل التنظيف الانبوب اللي بداخل المرضعه لان بيكون فيه فرشاه خاصه صغيره للانابيب
وفيه نظام حمايه للانبوب ماينقطع

آخر دلع

شوفو البنوته

و التوأم

سعرها الوحده ب 85 درهم ..

تجربه شخصيه : الصراحه المرضعه ريحتني واايد لبنتي لانها بيبي و ما تروم تمسك في الاسواق و السفر خدمتني واايد يعني حلاتها من عمر 3 شهور لين السنه و نص..

و هذا تقرير عن جودتها و انها فله
Do You Need An Extra Hand?
When you are overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, the Hands-Free Baby Feeding System will provide you a welcome helping hand. So even when you are busy cooking dinner, strolling in the park, or driving to the supermarket, the Hands Free Feeding System will feed your baby while you’re doing your chores.
The Hands Free Feeding System makes you feel like you’re having a pair of extra hands. That’s how some mums describe it, anyway
You can use the system in a car seat, a pushchair, a baby walker, a high chair, a swing — even a shopping trolley at the supermarket, or on any other place you can think of! The Hands-Free Baby Feeding System includes an 8-ounce baby bottle, one silicone teat, two cap rings, an adapter and disk assembly, a long flexible tubing (31-cm/12-in), a short draw-tubing (16-cm/6.5-in), a standard steel tube-cleaning brush and a teat cover.
Hold Your Baby Not the Bottle
This unique feeding system also allows you to hold and caress your baby whilst feeding instead of having to hold the bottle, thus promoting bonding with your infant.

Benefits of the Podee Bottle
Everyone with a baby, singular or plural has times in their day when they could do with an extra pair of hands. The hands-free baby feeding system can be your extra helping hand.
This feeding system has been available in the USA since 1989 and has proved to be a runaway success story. The system allows the baby to feed in an upright position in a pram, buggy, a supermarket trolley, a baby sling/carrier and of course will allow you to feed two babies simultaneously.
The system has many other advantages:
* The milk is delivered at the right rate for the baby, as the baby receives only as much milk as it can suck out of the teat and tube.
* A 3 in 1 system – a hands free bottle, a regular bottle and a toddler bottle.
* No spills, no mess, no hassle. Prevents liquid overflow getting into the baby’s ears which can cause ear infection.
* It works in any position. Ideal for upright feeding which helps prevent choking.
* Tubing draws the liquid from the bottom of the bottle, limiting air that gets into the baby’s stomach thereby helping prevent colic.
* Single cross cut teat opens, closes and controls the flow of milk depending on the baby’s appetite – a feature which helps prevent over feeding.
* Delivers a smooth flow without the extra effort of sucking by the baby.
* Easy to assemble/disassemble for cleaning.
* 100% safety record since its debut in the USA in 1989.
* An easy and safe way to feed one or more babies

9 thoughts on “الدفعه11من☺☺المرضعه العجيبه ☺☺ اللي انعرضت في oprah ☺☺تلقينها عند ميرانه بس☺☺

  1. الدفع سلم و استلم و التوصيل 25 درهم

    يالله حبيباتي اللي تامر عليها حق الكتاكيت

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