السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هل يستهدف طيران العربيه الهدف 2,22 في الايام القادمه

اهم المقاومات 1,98 – 2,02 – 2,06

اهم دعم 1,90

تحياتي للجميع

342 thoughts on “### العربيه للطيران والهدف 2,22 ###

  1. I think dera Mr.Brave Boy,, You have to answer a very important question:you sold today as you told us, just give us the reasons so we can learn and not be in a grey suitation,I have been waiting for the blow up of this share for a long time It does not happen,You keep telling us wait wait wait, and suddenly you are out and Now you are back again,, Please do not ignore my comeent and give it some consideration,, thanks and regards

    شو السالفه…

    ممكن حد يترجم ياجماعه لاني مب فاهم شي

  2. Dear Mr. ENgineer ,Please please,answer me:
    do you think what is happenning in Airarabia, Dfm, and Tamweel have any thing to do with the latestet recommendation of SHAA CAPITAL about the estimation of dfm shaer realeatic value

  3. Dear Brothers

    I do not know why is the panic just for BraveBoy selling his shares

    I think he was Brave enough to say this while he can say nothing

    I personally bought the share at 1.90 and not selling now as soon there will be no share at 1 or 2 or even 3

    This is my view – buy 50,000 share of them and keep them for 6 months and you will be amazed

    What I’m trying to say – split your money between long term investment / short term investment and daily spectulation if you liike

    Best Wishes to all of you for a very healthy & wealthy 2008

  4. بروكر شو رايك في 23 مليون على 2.03 !!!!!

    شو تفسيرك للموضوع

    ممكن ايكون خروج المكشوف او تسكير احسابات او شي انا اجهله؟!

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