نعم انظار المستثمرين تتجه اليوم إلى امريكا والسبب أن الكونجرس الامركي سيناقش الرئيس الامريكي خطة انقاذ اسواق المال من الانهيار الحتمي ……
وما يحدث الآن مع السوق الاوربي ربما هو تسرب لاخبار ايجابية ؟؟؟؟
فتابعوا ما سيؤول له تلك القرارات ؟؟؟؟؟
نعم انظار المستثمرين تتجه اليوم إلى امريكا والسبب أن الكونجرس الامركي سيناقش الرئيس الامريكي خطة انقاذ اسواق المال من الانهيار الحتمي ……
وما يحدث الآن مع السوق الاوربي ربما هو تسرب لاخبار ايجابية ؟؟؟؟
فتابعوا ما سيؤول له تلك القرارات ؟؟؟؟؟
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نعم انظار المستثمرين تتجه اليوم إلى امريكا والسبب أن الكونجرس الامركي سيناقش الرئيس الامريكي خطة انقاذ اسواق المال من الانهيار الحتمي ……
وما يحدث الآن مع السوق الاوربي ربما هو تسرب لاخبار ايجابية ؟؟؟؟
فتابعوا ما سيؤول له تلك القرارات ؟؟؟؟؟
مقاومه اخرى 10990 سقف قناة صاعده ناشئه على فريم 5 دقائق
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بروكر محترف
ترند بريكر
حيقولوا عننا جننا ….الواد راح فيها ويتابع ويحلل السوق الامريكي ….
معلش الضرب في الميت حرام
In a televised address, Bush called on Congress to pass the administration’s rescue plan for Wall Street, which would leave taxpayers on the hook for up to $700 billion–just before Election Day.
“I know that an economic rescue package will present a tough vote for many members of Congress,” Bush said. But he noted “our entire economy is in danger” and added that a bailout “will help send a signal to markets around the world that America’s financial system is back on track.”
Bush himself has been under pressure to acknowledge the severity of the problem and to send that very same signal to markets–while showing that he still cares about taxpayers.
In a way, he’s the best pitchman the administration’s got. The credit crunch is an extraordinarily complicated issue, and Bush’s most popular trait is his homespun way of connecting with people. His two point men on the bailout, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, a former Wall Streeter, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, a former academic, have had a tough time convincing Congress why a $700 billion plan is the only way out of the current crisis.
Bush said Americans deserve “clear answers” as to how the country reached this point.
The president told the public that the “rescue effort is not aimed at preserving any individual company or industry.” He said the government is the only entity that is capable of buying financial firms’ troubled assets at their current low prices and holding them until their value returns to normal. He argued that if a bailout is not approved, foreclosures would rise, millions of people could lose their jobs and reminded them that “ultimately our country could experience a long and painful recession.”
Lawmakers may have found some comfort in the fact that the president pledged that a bailout would include an oversight provision and that it should preclude executives from receiving a windfall–a sticking point among many members of Congress.
But undoubtedly, lawmakers–who are nearly united in saying that quick action is necessary–are now trying to figure out how they can approve a plan that saddles taxpayers with cleaning up a financial mess that has been years in the making.
Members of Congress seem willing to work with the administration to come up with some type of rescue plan in the next few days. Just before Bush’s remarks, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., issued a rare joint statement, pledging to put aside their political differences and focus on the economy–but they’re not endorsing the president’s plan.
“Now is our chance to come together to prove that Washington is once again capable of leading this country,” the candidates said, calling the Bush proposal “flawed.” Both men, along with other lawmakers, will meet with the president at the White House on Thursday to work out the details of a bailout.
In taking the public stage, Bush was an unpopular president pushing an unpopular plan. His approval rating is just 31.5%, according to RealClearPolitics. Several members of Congress say that constituents who’ve called them this week overwhelmingly oppose the administration’s plan. (Congress’ approval rating is even worse, finds RCP: just 21.3%.)
As negotiations have evolved on Capitol Hill during the last several days, it has become evident that the final bailout bill will include an oversight provision for the Treasury secretary. It will probably contain some type of equity stake for the government in the companies that sell their bad debt to Uncle Sam. It’s also increasingly likely that it will limit excessive executive compensation for firms that ask for a bailout.
Markets have been stalled, looking for direction from Capitol Hill. The Dow Jones industrial average closed down 29 points Wednesday. Moves by the private sector have yet to ignite confidence. Warren Buffett taking a $5 billion stake in Goldman Sachs Tuesday did little to get markets moving.
Buffett thinks a deal will get done. “If I didn’t think the government was going to act, I would not be doing anything this week,” he told CNBC Wednesday.
Yet lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have not been in a rush to act. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., the top GOP member on the Senate Banking Committee, has expressed doubt that the plan will work, and Democrats are backing away from it because they don’t want to be on record–particularly this close to Election Day–as putting taxpayers on the hook to bail out what is being described as the excesses of Wall Street.
The entire drama of the past several days has many Democrats, normally in favor of government intervention, voicing skepticism of the need for a government rescue; it’s also made a Republican administration claim government action is necessary.
“My natural instinct is to oppose government intervention,” Bush said. But, “these are not normal circumstances. The market is not functioning properly
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