السلام عليكم

اخوان اللي عنده يوزر نيم وباسورد لبرنامج مباشر التجريبي الرجاء كتابته او ارساله على الخاص حتى اقوم بتجربته في اوقات تداول السوق

وشكرا مقدما

55 thoughts on “برنامج مباشر

  1. Brother Daboor
    I faced the same problem today
    I lost most of the colums today
    but i think the problem is from Dubais market not from Mubasher it self
    wait till Sataurdy i think it will be ok

    Best regards

    Dear brother Tajer

    I appreciate your valuable feedback and hopefully this is last time to face such problem .

    I Started with Mubasher since about one month and every thing was going very well in terms of timing,control ,support and clearance but I don’t know what happend today.
    I lost good apportunities to buy some shares by unretunable prices (in my opinion) today but all what I can say Alhamdu lellah
    I beleave that the problem from the market not from thier side.

    with my best regards

  2. اعتقد عندهم خلل بيسط وان شاء الله يدراكونه

    لازم كمرحلة اول يجب ان تمون اخطاء ومشاكل بش ان شاء الله المشرفين يدركونها


  3. Brother Daboor
    I faced the same problem today
    I lost most of the colums today
    but i think the problem is from Dubais market not from Mubasher it self
    wait till Sataurdy i think it will be ok

    Best regards

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