تبا تعرف كم عمرك باليوم والدقيقة والثانية !!!
هذا الرابط عجيب !
: حط تاريخ ميلادك وهو يعطيك عمرك باليوم والساعة والدقيقة والثانية !!!
والدقيقة والثانية واليوم اللي مولود فيه ومتى عيد ميلادك
اضغط هنا نتمنى لك طول العمر
والشيء الحلو فيه يطلع لكم أحداث مهمة صارت في يوم ميلادك،،،
بالتـــوفيق للجميــــع،،،
اذا مابا اتقولين أنا بخمن،،،،
يعنــي يمكن اذا موب اكثر 72 سنة !!!
أنا عرفت
بس ما بحط النتيجة علشان ما تعرفون ان عمري فوق الــ 14 سنة

شكرا اخوي ولد زايد على الموضوع الممتع
أخوي فهد ترانا قريب عن بعض …
Results for 2nd January 1982* :
You were born on a Saturday.
Your star sign is Capricorn.
Your birthstone is Garnet.
The season was Winter.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Rooster.
The US President was Ronald Reagan (Republican).
The UK Prime Minister was Margaret Thatcher (Conservative).
You are 26 years 6 months 8 days old.
It is 176 days until your next birthday.
In dog years you are 3 years old.
You are 9,686 days old.
You are approximately 232,484 hours old.
You are approximately 836,943,090 seconds old.
بيني وبين ولد زايد يوم واحد
Your star sign is Capricorn.
Your birthstone is Garnet.
The season was Winter.
You were born in the Chinese year of the Rooster.
The US President was Ronald Reagan (Republican).
The UK Prime Minister was Margaret Thatcher (Conservative).
You are 26 years 6 months 9 days old.
It is 175 days until your next birthday.
In dog years you are 3 years old.
You are 9,687 days old.
You are approximately 232,507 hours old.
You are approximately 837,026,976 seconds old.