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124 thoughts on “تداولات الاسهم الاماراتية ليوم الاربعاء الموافق 4 مارس 2009 وعلى بركة الله

  1. طبعا وطبيعي لازم اذكر اني اول من توقع بارتفاع السوق اليوم وكانت ذلك بمشاركتي رقم ((نسيتها)) بموضوع تداولات الاسهم الاماراتية ليوم الثلاثاء الموافق 3 مارس 2009 وعلى بركة الله وان كان السوق احمر ما كنت بذكر ذلك

    مع كامل التقدير والاحترام لموضوع طيب الذكر رجل المطر

  2. أخ بروكر نفس جوابي للأخ جمعة:

    على العموم أنا لم أقل أن السوق سينزل، فلست مطالب بشيء. أما أنت قلت أنا السوق سيرتفع فأنت المطالب.

    على العموم الأخبار السيئة ما زالت تملأ الجرائد. و نتائج الربع الأخير الصعبة لبعض الشركات كيف تراها ؟؟


    الاخبار السلبيه تملأ الجرائد من سنه كامله

    والحياه تمشي

    والامور اكثر من ايجابيه

    وارابتك يطير من 71 فلس الى 2,02

    وتسألني لماذا السوق بطلع

    مب المهم السوق ليش يطلع

    المهم تعرف متى تشتري ومتى اتبيع

    ومتى تطلع ويا الموجه

    السوق يطلع وينزل لاسباب فنيه بنسبه لي

    وصدقني السوق بطلع وبيوصل فوق والناس لاتزال تسأل السوق ليش يطلع وشو الاسباب

    وصدقني اخوي العزيز بالنسبه لي لااهتم لا لنتائج ربع اول او اخير ولا اهتم للاخبار

    اهتم بالتحليل الفني وهو يغنيك عن كل شي بعد توفيق الله

    الله يوفقك ويوفق الجميع

  3. هلا

    ااتحليل الفني صارلوا إسبوع بحكي دخول لحديت ما كسرنا 1500!!!

    الله يوفق الجميع

    خذ التحليل الفني من المحللين الفنيين وأتوقع الجميع أجمع أننا في قناة هابطة والدخول الآمن فور اختراقها وعندما اخترقت القناة كان سهم السوق مثلاً على 1.16

    وبعدين من يومين كان المؤشر 1540 واليوم بساعة واحدة رجعنالها

    واللي باع وما مسك أسهمه أكيد خاف يشتري تحت ال 1500 يعني أكيد الحين برا السوق

  4. هل يشهد السوق الامريكي ارتفاعات قويه اليوم بعد تصريح اوباما !!

    المصدر جريده الخليج تايمز

    Khaleej Times Online – Obama says stocks potentially a good buy now

    Obama says stocks potentially a good buy now

    3 March 2009



    WASHINGTON – U.S. President Barack Obama expressed confidence on Tuesday that his economic reforms would work and said U.S. stocks were potentially a good buy even as he forecast a long road to economic recovery.

    “I’m absolutely confident that credit is going to be flowing again, that businesses are going to start seeing opportunities for investment, they’re going to start hiring again,” Obama told reporters after a meeting with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

    Asked about the slump in stock markets, the president said he was not looking at “day to day gyrations” but was focusing on the long-term ability of the United States and the world to regain its economic footing.

    “I think what we’re seeing is as people absorb the depths of the problem that existed in the banking system as well as the international ramifications of it, that there’s going to be a natural reaction,” he said of recent stock market falls.

    “On the other hand, what you’re now seeing is profit and earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you’ve got a longterm perspective on it.”

    U.S. stocks mostly inched higher after Obama’s comments.

    Earlier the president said he saw little hope of near-term improvement in the U.S. economy after a staggering drop in gross domestic product in the final three months of last year.

    “The economy’s performance in the last quarter of 2008 was the worst in over 25 years. And frankly the first quarter of this year holds out little promise for better returns,” Obama said in a speech at the Department of Transportation.

    He said one of the main challenges facing his government was to unlock frozen credit markets and that the launch on Tuesday of a new lending facility by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury was key to that effort.

    The consumer lending initiative will generate up to $1 trillion in lending, officials said.

    “This will help unlock our credit markets, which is absolutely essential for economic recovery,” Obama said, speaking two weeks after signing a $787 billion stimulus package aimed at jolting the world’s largest economy out of recession.

    Senior White House adviser Christina Romer said the stimulus package could pack a big punch because households and businesses struggling to get credit were more likely to spend the money.

    “I think it is possible that fiscal policy will have even more oomph in this situation,” Romer, who heads the Council of Economic Advisers, told an economics conference.

    Obama, a Democrat who took over as president six weeks ago from Republican George W. Bush, hosted Britain’s Brown for talks focused on the global economic crisis.

    Many economists have expressed concern the current U.S. stimulus package would have only a modest impact on 2009 growth and that consumers would be inclined to pocket tax cuts as they try to rebuild savings wiped out by falling real estate prices and stock markets.

    The U.S. economy suffered its deepest contraction since early 1982 in the fourth quarter of last year, plummeting at a 6.2 percent annual rate as consumers pulled back sharply on their spending.

    The grim data has contributed to the huge sell-off in U.S. stocks markets, which hit a 12-year low on Monday.

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