بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سبب واحد فقط هو من الممكن ان يخل العقل لانهيار كافة اسواق المال العربية والعالمبة

اقتراب توجيه ضربة عسكرية لايــــــــــــــــران

ومن المؤكد ان كبار المستثمرين والمحافظ علي علم جيد بهذا لذلك يبيعون باي سعر احسن من مفيش

39 thoughts on “سبب واحد فقط وراء انهيار الاسواق وهو !!!

  1. اي ضربة اسرائلية او امريكية لايران بتشوفون سعر برميل النفط فوق ال 200$$$$$$$$$$$

    صحيح ان السيد بوش ندمان على ان فترة ولايته باقي عليها شهور قليلة و بتنتهي و هو ما قدر طول هالفترة يوجه ضربة الى ايران …و لكن بالعقل مستحيل يضربون ايران لاسباب كثيرة اولها ان عهد بوش بينتهي بداية سنة 2009 (يعني ماشي وقت) و ثانيا ان الديمقراطيون اللي بيتولون الحكم هم من اشد المعارضين للحرب على العراق او اي دولة اخرى ….و ثالثا في خبر على موقع الجزيرة ان بوش ينوي سحب 8000 جندي من العراق بحلول مطلع العام المقبل….

  2. ضرب ايران مستبعد تماماً في المدى القريب..

    وذلك بعد تصاعد ازمة جورجيا وتوتر العلاقات الروسيه الامريكيه والاوروبيه ايضاً..

    اعلان روسيا اليوم بقرب الانتها من بناء مفاعل بو شهر النووي ، ما هوا الى رسالة تحدي لا مريكا.

    ولهذا لن تقوم امريكا او اسرائيل باي ضربه لايران بدون موافقه من روسيا.. وهذا امر مستبعد حالياً

    هذه مجرد وجهة نظر شخصيه والله اعلم .

  3. I also think the reason for the sharp dowturn in UAE markets is related to Real Estate.

    It is not due to manipulation –
    It is not due to Summer or Ramadan Slowdown –
    It is not due to corruption charges in many UAE companies –
    It is not due to change of Visa regulation for RE holders –
    It is not due to poor reporting and transparancy by most companies –
    It is not due to possible drop in OIL price –
    It is not due to falling markets globally, which lures investors to look at other markets –

    It is simply all the above AND future expectation of Real Estate performance in Dubai and Abu-Dhabi.

    and since I know many folks, RE speculators, who bought properties, from top reputable developers in the UAE since 3-4 months ago, and are screaming to sell at even 10% below what they payed, and NO BUYERS.

    and if you think of the large percentage of properties bought by RE speculators to turn a quick profit, you have to worry.

    I was also angry for losing ~ 50% since the prices of most shares do not reflect fundamentals, but I finally woke up by the bear market to the fact that these markets are looking already to next few years profit and growth expectations. and if RE turns to bust and start spiraling downward due to all the speculators willing to take losses and exit, then we are in for a deep bear market that might take us lower and a lot more.

    Only my Opinion

  4. Rogue Trader-Jordan Thank you for your respond. I’m not really an expert in the banks and loans cause I did not take any loan from a bank in all my life. I was trying to link some facts and that was only my view. Anyway thank you agian and see you in another topic.

    I also very much respect your view, and it was a pleasure discussing this with you

    Thank you

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