Warehouse for Sale
Location: Jebel Ali Free Zone
Elevation: G+M
Plot Area: 107,639 sq. ft.
Built up Area:
Warehouse: 58,896 sq. ft.
Office and facilities: 4300 sq. ft.
Total: 63,196 sq. ft.
Completion: August 2008
Selling price: AED 18 Million (Net to Owner)
Payment Terms:
75% Now
25% on Completion
Note: The warehouse has a sprinkler system and six loading/unloading docks (three on each side) with front offices and a modern office facade.
Labour Camp for Sale
Location: Jebel Ali Industrial Area
Elevation: G+4
No. of Rooms: 270
Size of each room: 10′ x 14′ (8 person capacity)
Other facilities:
2 Large Dinings
2 Kitchens
1 Prayer Room
1 Recreation Room
Ample Bus Parking
Possession: May 2009
Selling price: AED 85 Million (Net to Owner)
Payment Terms:
AED 25 Million on signing of MOU
AED 60 Million on possession
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