بلا أدنى شك و من خلال تداولات اليوم فقد بدأنا رحله العوده والصعود ابتداءا من اليوم بعد رحله قاسيه جدا وصلنا بها الى ادنى مستوى لم يتصوره اكثر المتشائمين سابقا حيث ارتفع الضغط و احتبست الانفاس.

السوق السعودى اغلق على الحد الاعلى 10% و الاسواق العالميه بدون استثناء تحلق الآن بارتفاعات عاليه و قياسيه (الداو جونز سجل بحدود 480 نقطه ارتفاع بهذه اللحظه)..

ضمان القروض

انخفاض الفائده

التطمينات على اقتصاد البلد من اعلى القيادات بالدوله

الاداء الممتاز لجميع الشركات و اغلب القطاعات

كل ما ذكرته اعلاه و المزيد يؤكد اننا مقبلون على ارتفاعات قويه على اقل تقدير ستكون تعويض خسائر الايام السابقه.

و أخيرا فانا اتوقع ارتداد قوى لسوف دبي و باعلى نسبه مقارنه بالاسواق الاخرى كونه اكثر الخاسرين في هذه الازمه و هذه دعوه منى لمن ما زال يملك الكاش بعدم اضاعه هذه الفرصه الذهبيه و التوفيق للجميع

29 thoughts on “سوق دبي و رحله العوده

  1. we have been seeing for the past few weeks limit down and prices moving lower with big volumes, and today because you so limit up across the board you are saying it is a rebound, how can you say it is a rebound, sorry but to confirm a rebound it must build supports and strong supports and see at least for a whole week prices moving 5% minimum with big volumes, because supports and stronge supports were broken very easily plus how can you say it is a rebound with volumes today DHS 1.80 billion only if it was a rebound the volumes should be minimum DHS 3 billion especailly when stocks are limit up, and the same for Abu Dhabi volumes was only 500 million, if it was a rebound it should be at least 1.5 billion , what happened today is what is called the market is breathing after the selling pressure plus it is an opportunity to sell because prices has to fall back again and confirm a bottom and build supports that are stronge and then move higher so that it can break resistance on the way up, so wait and monitor carefully and draw your trend lines and give it time to confirm the uptrend before you say it is a rebound just because of one day only of positive day

    Plus the whole GCC marrkets moved higher with limit up all at the same time (STRANGE) except kuwait this was all beacuse of government intervention,mainly and not investors money or fresh money, did you all see or feel fresh money in the market, well I do not think so

    انا اتفق معاك 100%

    لكن الناس بسرعه تنسى

    شهرين نزول ثم نزول ثم نزول
    واليوم واحد يكلمني اعمار رايح 15؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

  2. we have been seeing for the past few weeks limit down and prices moving lower with big volumes, and today because you so limit up across the board you are saying it is a rebound, how can you say it is a rebound, sorry but to confirm a rebound it must build supports and strong supports and see at least for a whole week prices moving 5% minimum with big volumes, because supports and stronge supports were broken very easily plus how can you say it is a rebound with volumes today DHS 1.80 billion only if it was a rebound the volumes should be minimum DHS 3 billion especailly when stocks are limit up, and the same for Abu Dhabi volumes was only 500 million, if it was a rebound it should be at least 1.5 billion , what happened today is what is called the market is breathing after the selling pressure plus it is an opportunity to sell because prices has to fall back again and confirm a bottom and build supports that are stronge and then move higher so that it can break resistance on the way up, so wait and monitor carefully and draw your trend lines and give it time to confirm the uptrend before you say it is a rebound just because of one day only of positive day

    Plus the whole GCC marrkets moved higher with limit up all at the same time (STRANGE) except kuwait this was all beacuse of government intervention,mainly and not investors money or fresh money, did you all see or feel fresh money in the market, well I do not think so

  3. سؤال يا اخي العزيز
    البارحه لمت داون
    واليوم لمت أب؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

    شو الي تغير في اقل من 24 ساعه

    الاقتصاد هو نفس الاقتصاد

    ضمان الودائع موضوع يخص البنوك بالدرجه الاولى ….

    وهل كانت خايفه على الودائع اصلا؟؟؟؟؟

    حتى بعد تصريحات الشيخ محمد بن راشد يوم الخميس والجمعه

    ثاني يوم نزل السوق لمت داون؟؟؟؟؟؟

    انزين لو كانت اسباب الارتفاع الي تقول عنها خاصه بسوق الدوله

    ليش السوق السعودي ارتفع والسوق القطري واسواق العالم كلها؟؟؟

    احنا ارتفعنا لان السوق العالمي ارتفع فقط وهذا الشئ الواضح

    وعشان اكون صادق اكثر معاك لو كان السوق العالمي ما ارتفع

    فكل الاسباب السابقه كانت فقط ستمنع

    انهيار السوق وليس شرط الارتفاع والارتداد.

    سوقنا تابع للسوق الامريكي والعالمي

    لاننا نحن الذي عشنا هذه الكذبه والاعلام ثبتها في اذهان الكل.

    لاحول ولا قوه الا بالله

  4. أنا باجر بايع ان شاء الله.

    أهم شي، عدم الأمان في ذمة السوق.

    طبعا القرار بعود لكل واحد .. الله يوفقك

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