بلا أدنى شك و من خلال تداولات اليوم فقد بدأنا رحله العوده والصعود ابتداءا من اليوم بعد رحله قاسيه جدا وصلنا بها الى ادنى مستوى لم يتصوره اكثر المتشائمين سابقا حيث ارتفع الضغط و احتبست الانفاس.
السوق السعودى اغلق على الحد الاعلى 10% و الاسواق العالميه بدون استثناء تحلق الآن بارتفاعات عاليه و قياسيه (الداو جونز سجل بحدود 480 نقطه ارتفاع بهذه اللحظه)..
ضمان القروض
انخفاض الفائده
التطمينات على اقتصاد البلد من اعلى القيادات بالدوله
الاداء الممتاز لجميع الشركات و اغلب القطاعات
كل ما ذكرته اعلاه و المزيد يؤكد اننا مقبلون على ارتفاعات قويه على اقل تقدير ستكون تعويض خسائر الايام السابقه.
و أخيرا فانا اتوقع ارتداد قوى لسوف دبي و باعلى نسبه مقارنه بالاسواق الاخرى كونه اكثر الخاسرين في هذه الازمه و هذه دعوه منى لمن ما زال يملك الكاش بعدم اضاعه هذه الفرصه الذهبيه و التوفيق للجميع
thank you for your comments, but sorry who was buying today even with low volumes was it real investors or someone lese, and I’m sure you agree it is givernment intervention. Iam not saying that the market is not going to go up it will for sure after the free fall we have seen, but this move is not sustainable that is to say it is not a move to depend on and say market have seen a bottom plus it isn’t easy to know the bottom, and we can start investing again without waiting for a better confirmation of an uptrent. Market must come down to confirm the bottom and then it can move grandually up with fresh money from investors and insistutions without 3rd party intervention, I have seen this happening before in Sauid Arabia years back and also this year, but after few days market goes back down again and more stronger, and then people start to remember what happened before and they start selling even more aggresively.
What I’m trying to say that do not depend to much on a one day move after few weeks and months of stronge sell off in the market and lossing 50-60% and say thats it we are rebounding, let us wait and confirm the move, we can always bay shares they will never go away, but it is not always a right decision at the right time is taken
This is my view and I could be right or wrong, but what I’m sure of is that I would be safer and my risk will be for sure less
thanks for the comment , but surely i disagree with you ,, you are basing your comment on technical analyses which cant be applied in this extra ordinary situation .. the market fall down heavily breaking all supports points very easily driven with all investors fears etc. now its time to get back to previous index level and all supports will be also broken very easily Vs .. low volume traded can be seen asa good sign as although the market achieving limit up investors are not ready to sell with still low prices
if i remember when the good news was announced in UAE Emaar closed limit down at 5.13 and today limit up
we all know that nothing will happen to clients deposits with UAE banks, because the government will not allow it what so ever and we all know that the economy is stronge and nothing will effect it, and the connection with the USA markets was made due to foreign investments in the stockmarket made this connection, and after today when Europe and the USA is up to due to becoming very close to solve their issues regarding the credit crunch, I guess the connection will be less with the USA & Europe markets
All what I’m trying to say don’t let a one day positive move be a reason for a life time decision that could be wrong and also could be right but the risk of being right is very high, JUST BECAREFUL and limit your profits
اخى العزيز الموضوع طويل جدا بس باختصار :
اسواقنا كان لازم ترتد حتى لو لم يرتد السوق الامريكى ,, الحاله النفسيه هى السبب الرئيسي و كما ذكرت الصفعات كانت قويه و لم تعطى احد لاخذ الانفاس و استيعاب ما يحصل
ان شاء الله أخضر