السلام عليكم
مثل ما عودتكم بالمافجآت
تلفزيونPS-50Q سامسونج بلازما 50 بوصه
بسعر خيالي 5500 درهم فقط على دفعتين اول دفعه 3000 درهم وباقي 2500 بعد 30 يوم
وممكن تدفعون عربون 500 درهم لحجز الشاشه ..
الكميه محدوده 8 شاشات فقط
راح تاخذون علاقه في الجدار مجانا
للتواصل 0504773331
ملاحظه التوصيل الى اي مكان في الدوله بس التوصيل على حساب المشتري
هذي مواصفات التلفزيون
Samsung PS50Q97HD Plasma TV is brought to market by Samsung trader in the UK. You can use this television as monitor for your PC system as well. It comes with Electronic Programmes Guide feature in which you can know the television programmes in advance.
The viewing screen is sized to 50 inches. It can offer a dramatic contrast ratio of 15000 which is given in ratio of 15000: 1. Its horizontal and vertical viewing angle is 175 degrees. The brightness of the screen can be controlled up to 1300 candela per metre square. The product can offer maximum image resolution of 1365 x 768 pixels horizontally and vertically.
Progressive Scanning feature in Samsung PS50Q97HD Plasma TV can create picture at a single pass. 3D comb filter feature allows you to view clear and flicker-free images. Samsung television is a HD-Ready product which can receive High Definition signals and display it. Auto tuner feature sets up your television channels automatically.
It allows you to watch number of free-view channels. You can get information about sports, national and international news with the support of teletext features.
Interlaced Supporting formats supported by this plasma television are:
• 1080i
• 480i (SDTV)
• 576i
Progressive Supporting formats in this electronic device are:
• 720p
• 576p
• 480p (EDTV)
• 1080p
Connectivity available in Samsung PS50Q97HD Plasma TV is as follows:
• 3 x HDMI
• 2 x Scart
• 1 x S-Video
• 1 x VGA HD-15
• 1 x D-Sub
• 1 x Composite Video
Stereo mode supporting audio speakers are provided in this product. The total audio output offered by these speakers is up to 30 watts. You can connect your television to your PC system and use as a monitor. The connectors used here are VGA HD-15 and D-Sub.
This cute device is measured in millimetres with its width, height and depth: 1230 x 849 x 316. It can weigh about 44 kilo grams.
جزاكم الله خيرا اخواني والله هذا من طيب اصلكم بس الواحد يرضى بالفايده القليله ولله الحمد ..
بالنسبه للضمان اخواني مثل ما تعرفون بضاعتي كلها مضمونه 3 شهور لكن اللي اقوله لو صار شي في يوم من الايام تراني انا موجود وما يهمكم ..
واللي نعرفه عالميا نحن من سنين عندنا تلفزيونات في عمرنا ما خترب عدنا تلفزيون يا انكسر او شرب ماي لكن انه يخترب من حاله في عمرها ما صارت
عموما الضمان 3 شهور وسامحوني لو تاخرت عليكم في الرد
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
السعر واااايد ممتاز وخيالي
واحجز بعد ليه وبس ابا اعرف كم الضمان!!
بس لوسمحت شو عن الضمان؟