السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين وخاتم النبيين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم


واحد من الربع طلب حد يساعده في هاي الاجوبة وقلتله عطني اياهم وعندي اخوان مايقصرون والاسئلة هاي بيسؤلونه عنها في مقابلة شخصية

وكل جواب لازم يجاوبه يحط ادله عليه فا اللي يعرف يساعده والله يجازيكم خير

والاسئلة كالاتي:

what is my greatest strength and weakness

in what specific way i have contributed to the policy agenda in the last 6 months

what are the objectives of you departmen and how do these relate to the police agenda

in what ways might i help to develop my team

وشو يعني ال policy agenda


9 thoughts on “طلب مساعده في امور ادارية!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. بعد في سؤال

    How to produce a personal developmen plan

    رد عليه وقول

    At the beginning I have to set up a goal then focus, pay attention and connect it to my career plan.

    ها ابسط شي

    واذا متفيج وتبي اكثر قول عادي ^_^

  2. Here are some interview tips:

    Don’t be late
    First impression counts
    Be yourself
    Listen carefully
    Address the job criteria
    Be positive
    Be poised (Pay Attention)

    And tell him never ever be aggressive, also once he step’s in the room
    First shake hands with the interviewer, with positive attitude and smile J

    Note that there are 2 types of questions 1. Direct questions. 2. Tricky/ trap questions.

    1. What is your greatest strength and weakness? (Tricky/Trap Question)

    State a weakness and turn it into a positive by showing how you can overcome the weakness.
    For example: I’m workaholic, I love working for long hours, and I don’t like postponing anything

    On the other hand don’t mention anything hazy and not related to the proposed job.

    The answer which satisfy all the interviewer is: I love to learn everything new it’s my passion and devotion , I invest my time on me.

    Of course they might as you how? Tell them that attend seminars, read books, serf the net and so on.

    2. In what specific way you have contributed to the policy agenda in the last 6 months (direct question)

    To find out the answer simply check your department mission and vision, find the connection between you, your section, your department or the authority that you are working for.

    You can say that you’ve proposed a project to reduce the cost of anything it might be related to machines, electricity depends on your current job.

    3. What are the objectives of you department and how do these relate to the police agenda (direct question)

    This is one way to discover your enthusiasm and dedication to your career.
    So mention anything good you’ve done and accomplished recently for example: I managed to reach our department KPI within 3months.

    4. In what ways you might help to develop your team. ? (Tricky/Trap Question)

    Another way for employer to ask, “How would you fit into this work group?”

    They want to know if you are a leader or follower. So if you are a leader tell them I’m going to assign tasks according to each person ability, interests, and personality. I’ll never alienate and expand them from any dissection I make because it’s not one man show its group work.

    Agenda Policy is like a company policy

    قانون العمل

    I hope you find it helpful, if you have any doubt regarding what ever mentioned above do not hesitate to ask or to call ^_^

    This is a helpful dictionary

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