بما أن هاذي المشاركه الاولى لي بالمنتدى
حبيت أعرض لكم لابتوبااات لامبرجيني
بأسعااار خرااافيه ومحروقه
وأتمني أنها تنال على رضاكم
اللون المتوفر حاليآ الاصفر
Asus is about to unveil a new top of the range laptop, the Asus Lamborghini VX2S Santa Rosa which should be on sale sometime in June. The Asus Lamborghini VX2S Santa Rosa weights only 6.1 lbs and features:
Chipset: Intel 965 Express chipset
Processor: 2.4 GHz T7700 Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2
Graphics: GeForce 8600M GT with 512 MB dedicated memory, 512MB Intel Turbo Memory
Hard Drive: Hitachi 160 GB 5400 rpm sata HDD
Wireless: Intel 4965AGM 802.11n Wireless, Bluetooth 2.0
Ethernet: Intel 82566MM Gigabit Ethernet
Screen: 15.4″ WSXGA+ monitor
Camera: 1.3Mp rotating webcam
Battery: 8 cell 5200mAh battery Asus is about to unveil a new top of the range laptop, the Asus Lamborghini VX2S Santa Rosa which should be on sale sometime in June. The Asus Lamborghini VX2S Santa Rosa weights only 6.1 lbs and features:
Chipset: Intel 965 Express chipset
Processor: 2.4 GHz T7700 Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2
Graphics: GeForce 8600M GT with 512 MB dedicated memory, 512MB Intel Turbo Memory
Hard Drive: Hitachi 160 GB 5400 rpm sata HDD
Wireless: Intel 4965AGM 802.11n Wireless, Bluetooth 2.0
Ethernet: Intel 82566MM Gigabit Ethernet
Screen: 15.4″ WSXGA+ monitor
Camera: 1.3Mp rotating webcam
Battery: 8 cell 5200mAh battery
هاذي الصور مطابقه للابتوبات
7500 نهائي
هاذي صورة الاب من الداخل
السموووحه منكم
بتوفيق ان شاء الله
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