السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Acoustic grilles allow for optimum sound pick-up from the concealed microphone and advanced noise cancellation circuitry, delivering a true and faithful sound to your ears
إخوتي أعضاء وزوار منتدانا أعرض عليكم سماعة من الدرجة الاولى من شركة كرييتيف
Creative Aurvana X-Fi Headphones
سعر السماعة متوفر داخل السوق 999 درهم
وهذه السماعة جديده وغير مستعملة بدون تغليف
السعر 650 درهم
لمزيد من المعلومات للاتصال
اترككم مع الصور المواصفات
Product Description
Introducing the Creative Aurvana X-Fi Headphones, noise-canceling headphones equipped with X-Fi technology. The noise-cancellation feature lets you enjoy your music without unnecessary distraction and together with the X-Fi technology, gets you set for more thrilling tunes. Change the way you listen to your music, movies and games with the Aurvana X-Fi headphones today
Product Features
X-Fi Crystalizer intelligently analyzes sound and restores the highs and lows lost during MP3 or other file compression
Aurvana X-Fi headphones contain top grade materials and components that reduce the ambient noise around you by up to 20dB
Easily accessible controls for X-Fi Crystalizer®, X-Fi CMSS-3D, Active Noise Cancellation and volume
Acoustic grilles allow for optimum sound pick-up from the concealed microphone and advanced noise cancellation circuitry, delivering a true and faithful sound to your ears
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