للبيع كاميرا نيكون مع بروجيكتر داخلي بسعر 1300 درهم و سعرها في السوق 1600 درهم للتواصل على الرقم 0504923507 محمد
و اليكم المواصفات
The Nikon CoolPix S1000pj is the world’s first digicam containing a built-in projector, which is capable of projecting captured images up to 40″ across at distances of up to 5.5′. Featuring a 12.1-megapixel CCD and a 5x (28-140mm equivalent) zoom lens, the CoolPix S1000pj can capture broad landscapes or tight portraits with equal ease, and print them at sizes up to 16×20″.
Nikon CoolPix S1000pj Digital Camera with Built-in Projector
EN-EL12 Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery (3.7V, 1050mAh)
MH-65 Battery Charger
UC-E6 USB Cable
EG-CP14 A/V Cable
AN-CP19 Strap
Projector Stand ET-2
Remote Control ML-L4
Software Suite CD-ROM
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك … لك مني أجمل تحية .