جميع الاسواق تجاوبت بشكل ايجابى مع تخفيض الفائده عالميا

السوق المصرى و السعودى من -10% الى -1% الآن و ربما اخضر بعد قليل

يا حسره على سوق دبى و ابو ظبى

طبعا الاوروبى من احمر لاى أخضر حاليا

6 thoughts on “مبروووووك

  1. This is very good news but it might take a few days to take affect on the market. It will mean that regular people can lend money from banks and invest in the financial market while paying lower intrest on there loans. But the questions is does our banks have the liquidity to lend! and what happened to all the investments in europ and the US!

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