لا تقل لى نقطة دعم و لاتقل لى مقاومة صعبة ولاارتفاع السوق الأمريكى ولاارتفاع الأوروبي ولا ولا ولا…

باختصار لن تنتهى ازمتنا الا عندما يتوقف بيع الأجانب او ان يظهر أحد ليتصدى لهم
ويشتري كل ما يريدون بيعه فقط فقط فقط .

اي ارتفاع هو فرصة للأجانب للبيع ثم نعود للبيع لوقف الخسارة ونحمد الله اننا لم نخسر اكثر وهم يبيعون
ونصل مستويات اعمق ….
وما حدث بالماضي اكبر دليل ، يوم اعمار لمت اب كان الأجانب يبيعون على 8.10 والأن 6 !!!

دعوهم يبيعون كما يريدون وان شاء الله ناخذ اسهمهم بدرهم واحد ويخسروا اكبر خسارة
هم مضطررون للبيع خوفا من افلاس شركاتهم بالغرب لنقص السيولة .

15 thoughts on “متى سيرتفع السوق ؟ ومتى نشتري ؟

  1. thank you for your reply, but can u explain more please didnt get you very clearly.
    All what I want to know iis that for example if a company has 100 shares listed in the stock market and they say 40% of these shares is open for foreigners, then 40 shares can be bought by foreigners and 60% of 60 shares by locals, but the number of shares that was sold by foreigners since Aug-08 is way higher than these percentage I think.

    So maybe I got what you mean , is that they could be buying in other names?

    and i will come up with more in 1/2 an hour to give you more info…..

  2. Bush Repeats Market-Rescue Plan Will Work ‘Over Time’

    WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- As fears of a global recession sent financial markets sharply lower Monday, President George W. Bush repeated assurances that the $700 billion rescue package he signed into law last week will work “over time.”
    Bush, who made brief remarks on the economy at the top of a speech on the judicial system, said he still believes the economy will be “just fine” in the long run.
    “I believe that this plan will work over time,” Bush said in Cincinnati. “I signed this bill on Friday. It’s going to take time for the Treasury Department to put a plan in place that won’t waste your money and that will achieve the objective.”
    Bush made similar comments earler Monday in San Antonio, following a meeting with small-business owners. In the hours since, however, markets have continued to deteriorate, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down nearly 500 points as investors fret the bailout plan isn’t strong enough.
    Bush sought to counter the negative investor sentiment with soothing words about the economy’s long-term outlook.
    “I believe in the long run, this economy is going to be just fine,” he said. ” It’s a resilient economy, it’s a productive economy with good workers. This is a reminder that we have been through tough times before and we’re going to come through this just fine.”
    Still, he acknowledged criticism of the rescue package, which will allow the Treasury to purchase bad debt from ailing banks. He said the people he met in San Antonio Monday had questions.
    “They were wondering about a man they know who believes strongly in free markets and wondering why I promoted a significant piece of legislation to deal with what I believe and what others believe is a significant problem,” Bush said.
    “And I told them if I thought that the problem would be contained only to Wall Street, I would have taken a particular point of view. But I told them I was concerned about them, just like I’m concerned about you, and therefore proposed with the Congress a big rescue plan to deal with a big problem.”
    Bush’s speech in Cincinnati focused on his call for an overhaul of the confirmation process for judges. He pressed for the Senate to vote on outstanding federal judicial nominees in next month’s lame-duck session.
    “If we do not act to improve the confirmation process, those who are today deploying harmful tactics and maneuvers to thwart nominees will sooner or later find the tables turned,” Bush said. “There are things more important, even in Washington, than politics as usual.”

  3. Rogue Trader-Jordan;2426551]

    I have a question that I would like to someone to answer me

    These foreigners how much more shares do they have for the since August and they are selling and till today they are still selling, is it that much they have shares , because it seems that they are the only ones who bought everything in the market, to the extent that they control the market in the uptrend that we sow in 2007 and in the down trend that we are facing now starinng this year 2008

    for example Emaar is trading on daily basis 50-80 millions shares and the same for Aldar and Sorouh and they are still selling every day

    even if you llok at the foreign ownership percentage you do not see that much difference drop in percentage in their ownership, especailly when Emaar trades 80 million shares

    there is something not right, and wish someone can explain

    thank you and sorry for writting in English

    Ok i do understand your point of view and as you mentioned there is something not right over here, as you know the foreign ownership percentage is lower than the local ownership percentage right? And who is in the game? the Local ? well you could say so? the foreigner? that is also true.

    let me start by saying that both securities markets are somehow giving unclear information about the companies, today you hear it’s merging with another company to form a One company, tommorow they say it’s a rumour and the gossip goes on.

    Giving false information would lead to a big disaster if people start hearing false info.

    who’s left?

    Big Investors, and small Investors right?
    Big Fish Eats Small Fish……

    Ok let’s talk about something else….
    the market is down, locally, internationally, globaly right?

    If you go to the securites market and browse through Major Shareholders, what do you see?

    and individual / Individuals / Companies in the ( X ) COMPANY
    do you think these mentioned will buy a 100,000 shares of X? OR 1,000,000 ?
    the INDIVIDUAL/INDIVIDUALS will buy 00000000000000 and they have a Company with them, also 000000000000000

    but the normal investor, medium or small has 0000000 either bought by cash or should settle on the settlement date….

    we will discuss more of that if you have any questions to be clarified
    i am not a financial anaylst or whatsoever, but i know what’s going on and i hope i can help you more……..

    thank you for your reply, but can u explain more please didnt get you very clearly.
    All what I want to know iis that for example if a company has 100 shares listed in the stock market and they say 40% of these shares is open for foreigners, then 40 shares can be bought by foreigners and 60% of 60 shares by locals, but the number of shares that was sold by foreigners since Aug-08 is way higher than these percentage I think.

    So maybe I got what you mean , is that they could be buying in other names?

  4. Rogue Trader-Jordan;2426551]

    I have a question that I would like to someone to answer me

    These foreigners how much more shares do they have for the since August and they are selling and till today they are still selling, is it that much they have shares , because it seems that they are the only ones who bought everything in the market, to the extent that they control the market in the uptrend that we sow in 2007 and in the down trend that we are facing now starinng this year 2008

    for example Emaar is trading on daily basis 50-80 millions shares and the same for Aldar and Sorouh and they are still selling every day

    even if you llok at the foreign ownership percentage you do not see that much difference drop in percentage in their ownership, especailly when Emaar trades 80 million shares

    there is something not right, and wish someone can explain

    thank you and sorry for writting in English

    Ok i do understand your point of view and as you mentioned there is something not right over here, as you know the foreign ownership percentage is lower than the local ownership percentage right? And who is in the game? the Local ? well you could say so? the foreigner? that is also true.

    let me start by saying that both securities markets are somehow giving unclear information about the companies, today you hear it’s merging with another company to form a One company, tommorow they say it’s a rumour and the gossip goes on.

    Giving false information would lead to a big disaster if people start hearing false info.

    who’s left?

    Big Investors, and small Investors right?
    Big Fish Eats Small Fish……

    Ok let’s talk about something else….
    the market is down, locally, internationally, globaly right?

    If you go to the securites market and browse through Major Shareholders, what do you see?

    and individual / Individuals / Companies in the ( X ) COMPANY
    do you think these mentioned will buy a 100,000 shares of X? OR 1,000,000 ?
    the INDIVIDUAL/INDIVIDUALS will buy 00000000000000 and they have a Company with them, also 000000000000000

    but the normal investor, medium or small has 0000000 either bought by cash or should settle on the settlement date….

    we will discuss more of that if you have any questions to be clarified
    i am not a financial anaylst or whatsoever, but i know what’s going on and i hope i can help you more……..

  5. أعتقد ان ضعف طلبات الشراء هي السبب

    How come less bids, every seller there is a buiyer so if Emaar traded 80,000,000 shares this means that 80,000,000 shares are sold and 80,000,000 shares bought, total 160,000,000 shares , but we only take one side of teh trade not both sides, so if there is no market depth then how come this volume we see daily in Dubai due to teh selling pressure, and is it this much shares foreigners have , then what does the Local have?

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