السلام عليكم
شارية لاب توب من سنة
وفيه ويندوز فسيتا وحاولت كم مرة انزل ماسنجر الفيستا لكن ما يشتغل عندي الماسنجر
والخيارات مب مسموح اني اختارهن
التقطت صورة لشكل الماسنجر والرسالة الي تظهر لي
خبروني شو الحل لاني دخل كل المواقع واتبعت التعليمات لكن بدون فايدة
شو الحل
هذا ايدد مسنجر و يكون وياه شي اسمه مساعد دخول او شي جيه ما اذكر
المهم هالمساعد يحل المشاكل اللي تستوي
أنصحج تنزلينه
بinternet explorer طبعا
جربي تسوين هالخطوة
tools > internet options > advance > Restore default > ok
وان شالله يستوي
What I can offer is general principles, such as, pay close attention to the line number. You will soon discover that Line: number gives the best clues for solving the problem.
Following the line number, I would turn my attention to permissions, are you logged on as an administrator? What is the script trying to achieve? Does the file or folder referenced need admin rights?
Next, move check out the Source: = service. Does this mean anything to you? Research the name of the service using built-in help. See more about diagnosing VBScript problems.
Local Security and Policies and DCOM – Kindly researched by Kevin Kirk
Local Security Policies
1. Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
2. Navigate to SecurityLocal PoliciesSecurity Options
a. Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users – Set to Enabled
c. DCOM: Machine Access Restrictions – Add Anonymous, Everyone, Interactive, Network, System with full rights options set.
d. Network Access: Let everyone permissions apply to anonymous users – Set to Enabled
e. Network Access: Sharing security model for local accounts – Set to Classic
The “Sharing Security model” is the real offending item I believe, and setting the above should fix the problem. If not then I went as far as setting the following in DCOMCNFG.
DCOM Configuration
1. Click Start -> Run
2. Enter DCOMCNFG and press OK. This will open the DCOMCNFG window.
3. Browse down the tree to Console Root -> Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer
4. Right click on “My Computer” and select properties
5. Select the “Default Properties” tab
a. Enable Distributed COM on this computer – Option is checked
b. Default Authentication Level – Set to Connect
c. Default Impersonation Level – Set to Identify
6. Select the “COM Security” tab
7. Click on Access Permissions ‘ Edit Default
a. Add “Anonymous”, “Everyone”, “Interactive”, “Network”, “System” with Local and Remote access permissions set.
8. Click on Launch and Activation Permissions ‘ Edit Default
a. Add “Anonymous”, “Everyone”, “Interactive”, “Network”, “System” with Local and Remote access permissions set.
9. Click on OK
10. Close the DCOMCNFG window
This was done with some trial and error on four identical HP Workstations running small vbs programs. Once one was working, I just had to figure out why the others weren’t. Guy says this is
DCOM Scenario for Error 80070005 sent in by Norbert
A script which scans for WMI data from machines in the network. If something goes wrong there’s an entry in the log file like this:
2004-09-03 13.30 ARW167: ERROR 80070005 (WMIConnect)
Lots of error 80070005 messages occur when DCOM settings on the remote machine weren’t correct.