السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

اقتربنا من موسم التوزيعات

اسهم + نقدي

وتأثيرهما على الاسهم والاسواق بشكل عام

سلبيات التوزيعات النقدية في الازمة

وسلبيات الاسهم والسوق غرقان

ماهو الوضع ياتري وماهو المتوقع

دعوه للنقاش

هل إعمار ستوزع نقدي ام اسهم

44 thoughts on “موسم توزيعات الارباح (( نقدي ، أسهم ))

  1. .. اللي فهمته أن جزء من الأرباح ستتحول الى زيادة رأس المال …

    .. و كأنك يا بو زيد ما غزيت ..

    هذا ما فهمته ..

    الموضوع بمجمله يحوي بعض الغموض , وعلامات الاستفهام كثيرة .

  2. am not sure about it, if they increased thier capital , number of stocks will double i agree, but why should the face value go down by 50%

    if that is the case then it wont be increasing the capital rather than splitting the share

    right >>>

    اختي سيما .. اللي فهمته أن جزء من الأرباح ستتحول الى زيادة رأس المال …

    يعني مثلا .. بدال الشركه ما توزع أرباح 100% نقدي على مساهميها .. و من ثم تقول أننا بحاجة الى زيادة رأس المال و علاوة الاصدار درهم واحد … اختصرت الطريق و قالت سهم منحه مقابل سهم …

    تخيلي أنا كشركه أعطيج أرباح درهم عن كل سهم تملكينه ثم أرفع رأس مالي بعلاوة اصدار درهم عن كل سهم .. طبعا انتي ستشاركين في زيادة رأس المال .. و ستدفعين هذا الدرهم مقابل أنك تحصلين على أسهم الزياده .. و كأنك يا بو زيد ما غزيت ..

    هذا ما فهمته ..

  3. Dear Sima,

    The face of value of the share is the value of the share when you set up(start) the company , the book value of the share is when the company starts the business and the company generates profit or loss..if the company generates profits then the book value of the share increases based on the amount of the profit. The market value of the share is based on the future performance of the company it depends on the discounted present value of the cash flow generated from future profits (within 5 to 10 years)and the market value of its assets.

    ARABTEC is increasing the number of shares not the capital. Because you are not paying money for the share, if you are paying money for the share then the capital increases by the amount paid for the shares

    منح أسهم هو رفع رسمي لرأس مال الشركة , ولا جدال في ذلك حسب قانون الشركات المحلي , ولو لم تدفع فلسا واحدا.

    القيمة الاسمية , تبقى كما هي , درهما .

    القيمة السوقية بعد الاستحقاق , تبدا بنصف القيمة قبل الاستحقاق (في حالة أرابتك)

    وكذلك حال القيمة الدفترية , النصف ايضا

  4. Dear Sima,

    The face of value of the share is the value of the share when you set up(start) the company , the book value of the share is when the company starts the business and the company generates profit or loss..if the company generates profits then the book value of the share increases based on the amount of the profit. The market value of the share is based on the future performance of the company it depends on the discounted present value of the cash flow generated from future profits (within 5 to 10 years)and the market value of its assets.

    ARABTEC is increasing the number of shares not the capital. Because you are not paying money for the share, if you are paying money for the share then the capital increases by the amount paid for the shares

    what if they are using the profit to give shares instead of distrbuting cash ?

  5. am not sure about it, if they increased thier capital , number of stocks will double i agree, but why should the face value go down by 50%

    if that is the case then it wont be increasing the capital rather than splitting the share

    right >>>

    Dear Sima,

    The face of value of the share is the value of the share when you set up(start) the company , the book value of the share is when the company starts the business and the company generates profit or loss..if the company generates profits then the book value of the share increases based on the amount of the profit. The market value of the share is based on the future performance of the company it depends on the discounted present value of the cash flow generated from future profits (within 5 to 10 years)and the market value of its assets.

    ARABTEC is increasing the number of shares not the capital. Because you are not paying money for the share, if you are paying money for the share then the capital increases by the amount paid for the shares

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