بدون مؤشرات فنية او تحاليل مضاربات …. اليوم الصباح عندما كنت اتناول فطور سندويش الروبيان قرأت تلك الاخبار : –
1- وصول برميل النفط الى 103 دولار ( النفط نقوم باستيراده لانه لا يوجد لديا مصافى كافية للتكرير)
2- الذهب يتجاوز 975 دولا للاوقية ( الله يعين اللى يريد يتزوج او انه يقدم نحاس للعروس)
3- اينوك للتوزيع تعلن عن خسائر 2 مليار درهم ( زيادة اسعار البترول قادمة فى الطريق)
4- ارتفاع اسعار الحديد بجنون فى السعودية و معظم الدول العربية ( هل سيؤثر على الشركات العقارية)
5- الالمان بعربون عن دهشتهم و صدمتهم عن ارتفاع اسعار المواد الاستهلاكية الى مستوى قياسى فى المانيا ( اللى يفكر يشترى مرسيدس ينسى الموضوع)
6- العملة الأمريكية تهوي الى مستويات قياسية جديدة ( يعنى الدرهم انخرط خراطة)
7- وصول المدمرة كول بالقرب من السواحل اللبنانية ( يا جماعة انتم ظلمتوهم الامريكان جايين علشان ياكلوا تبولة و فتوش)
8- مؤشر العلوج الداو الامريكى يهبط 315 نقطة ( يلا يا هواميرنا اين الشخصية و الاستقلال)
9- مقتل 30 فلسطينى فى اجتياح للخنازير اليهودية لغزة ( و المسلمين زعلانين على الصحف الدنماركية)
10 – التضخم يهدد الامارات و يجعلها بيئة طاردة للاستثمار
11- كوازيمو باشا يقول انه احتمال زيارة ال 5500 و يؤيده فى ذلك ترند بريكر باشا
الخلاصة ….. هل تلك الاشياء تعتبر مأزق و سوف نعانى منه فى الفترة المقبلة و لا اكمل اكل بقية السندويش ؟؟؟؟؟؟
إرسى لك على بــــــــر نكون مع مضاربي الربع الأول الأشـــــاوس او ننتظر ارباح الربــع الخـــالــي
افــــدنا حـــــالا افــادك الله
اللي ما عيبني في كاتب المقال انه يقول الخليج الفارسي بدل الخليج العربي!!
Gold Forecast for 2008
Michael J. Kosares
December 27, 2007
In a December 2004 interview with the Wall Street Journal, I predicted $525 for gold’s high in 2005. It hit that $525 level the following December. For 2006, once again in a Wall Street Journal interview, I predicted a “breakout year” for gold with a top price of $760. Its actual breakout high came earlier in the year than I had anticipated (in May) and a bit lower than I had predicted — in the $730 range (intraday Comex). In January, 2007, when gold was trading in the $625 range, in a forecast published in a NewsGroup Market Update through our USAGOLD website, I made $715 my minimum upside target and suggested that gold could hit the $800 level, or go as high as $875 if tensions escalated in the Persian Gulf; or if the quid pro quo with China broke down; or if the new Congress proved as anti-market as advertised; or if we got some surprises. Gold hit $840 in November and is trading at the $810 level as this is written.
Before I delve into where I think gold might find itself during the course of the upcoming year, let me revisit briefly the market drivers I listed in the 2007 prediction. Both the Persian Gulf and China did play direct roles in the price of gold in 2007. First, the Persian Gulf was a source of continued tensions which drove the price of oil from the low $60s per barrel to nearly $100. Second, the quid pro quo between China and United States did undergo some revision even if it didn’t break down. Namely, China did begin to shed some of its dollar reserves. As a direct result, it did play a key role in running up commodity prices from copper to wheat and crude oil. What has really spooked the gold market though, and the biggest surprise of all, was the one no one saw coming – the credit crisis. Of my potential market drivers, the one that proved to be a non-starter was the anti-market Democratic Congress which proved itself too disorganized to truly pose a threat to the economy, the American people or itself.
2008 Gold Price Prediction
So what about 2008?
In 2008, my minimum target is $925 based upon a continuation of the trends already in place and mentioned above.
We could, however, see a spike to between $975 and $1025 if, in addition,
The credit crisis escalates and the central banks are forced to inject substantially more “liquidity” into the financial system than anticipated; or
If tensions escalate to red alert status in the Middle East, or if a decline in U.S. presence in Iraq rekindles religious tensions, the bombings and violence in general (with the consequent effect on relations with Iran); or
Suppy problems escalate in the physical gold market causing a gold crunch; or
If we get another major surprise like we did with the credit crisis in 2007 (Yes, something else could crawl from under the rock);
Note: There could be a sharp mid-year correction in the gold price, if we get a strong run-up from the $810 level in the early months of 2008. However, I believe, in the wake of such a run-up, support is likely to come in the current range or just below. Conversely, we could get an out-of-the-box price spike should we see three or more of the events mentioned above converge with their full ill-effect upon the economy and financial markets. These are indeed dangerous times, more dangerous than at any time since the gold bull market began.
Michael Kosares has over 30 years experience in the gold business, and is the author of The ABCs of Gold Investing: How to Protect and Build Your Wealth with Gold, and numerous magazine and internet articles and essays. He is frequently interviewed in the financial press and is well-known for his on-going commentary on the gold market and its economic, political and financial underpinnings.
غريبة والله يا جمبري نغس العناويين مر عليها الجميع ولكن هناك دائما المكابر , والطامع , والمتهور ,
بارك الله لك في ادراكك وحسن رؤيتك
ان مع العسرى يسرى وان مع العسرى يسرى
انا شايف البوارج على السواحل اللبنانية مجرد ضغط
لاختيار ريئس لبنان
والا ترى المنطقة لا تحتمل اشعال نار ثانية
وبعدين لا اتوقع يحدث خراب اخر او حروب
الحروب تأتى فجأة وبدون مقدمات لكن هذا فقط استعراض عضلات
اللهم انصر الاسلام وقوى عزيمة اهله ووحد صفوفهم
واكسر الكفر ورد كيدهم فى نحورهم