أرابتيك تفوز بعقد تنفيذ فندق في سوريا يتجاوز المليار درهم
البيان 19/05/2010
كشف مصدر مطلع أن شركة ارابتيك التي تتمتع بسمعة مرموقة في قطاع الإنشاءات العربي فازت بعقد قيمته تتجاوز المليار درهم (نحو 350 مليون دولار) لتنفيذ المشروع وهي على وشك الانتهاء من عمليات صب أساسات المشروع.
ويضم مشروع الفندق 6 قاعات اجتماعات و3 مطاعم وقاعة مخصصة لرجال الأعمال وقاعة حفلات كبرى تتسع ل600 شخص و338 غرفة و35 غرفة وجناحاً لإقامة رجال الأعمال. كما سيضم الفندق جناحين لإقامة كبار الشخصيات وجناحا رئاسياً.
وواجهت «البيان» عراقيل عندما زارت الأسبوع الماضي موقع بناء فندق روتانا ياسمين الذي تقوم بتشييده شركة أرابتيك الإماراتية في منطقة المزة الراقية في العاصمة السورية دمشق على طريق بيروت.
وتعامل ممثلو الشركة مالكة المشروع بطريقة غير لائقة مع محرر «البيان» على الرغم من اتباعه السياقات المهنية وإبراز هويته الصحفية ورفضت الشركة قيامه بتصوير المشروع لإبراز معدلات الإنجاز فيه وتسليط الضوء على المشاريع التي تنفذها أكبر شركات المقاولات المحلية خارج الدولة.
الغريب ان ارابتك لم تعلن عن المشروع مع العلم ان المشروع وصل الى صب الاساسات ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
تبقى ارابتك بريئه حتى تثبت ادانتها؟؟؟؟
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك … لك مني أجمل تحية .
تورطت ارتبيك في سوريا مشورع قديمة وحتى الان في مرحلة صب الخرسانات
هذا خبر قديم ، وليش نشرته البيان الان، وليش يتعمد محررها الكذب والإثارة ما أدري ((كشفت مصادر مطلعة ههههههه حلوة مطلعة: مصادره كشفت من فبراير ، وزين انهم طردوه وما خلوه يصور :
أرابتك” تفوز بعقد انشاء فندق الياسمين روتانا في سوريا بقيمة 67 مليون دولار
أرقام 07/02/2010 أضف الخبر لقائمة اخباري
اعلنت شركة ارابتك للانشاءات عن استلامها رسالة ارساء مشروع من شركة الفجر في سوريا لبناء فندق الياسمين روتانا بقيمة 67 مليون دولار أميركي وتقدر القيمة الاجمالية للمشروع باكثر من 120 مليون دولار أميركي.
ويقع فندق الياسمين روتانا وهو المشروع الاول من نوعه لمجموعة البنا, وهي شركة تابعة للشام القابضة والشركة الام لشركة الفجر في سوريا , في منطقة المزة على طريق دمشق بيروت في سوريا وهو من فئة الخمس نجوم .
ويحتوي على ستة طوابق تحت الارض وطابق ارضي وطابق وسطي وبعلوعشرة طوابق بالاضافة الى طابق علوي ويحتوي على 338 غرفة وثلاثة طوابق ادارية وثلاثة مطاعم عالمية , وستتم ادارة الفندق من قبل شركة روتانا للفنادق .
News Releases
Arabtec to Build Yasmeen Rotana 5–Star Hotel in Syria
Posted on 07 February 2010
Arabtec has been awarded the contract to execute the construction work of the Yasmeen Rotana Hotel, owned by Al Fajr S. A. of Syria. Yasmeen Rotana is a 5-star hotel valued at over 120 Million US Dollars with a construction value of approximately 67 Million US Dollars. This 5-star hotel is the first of many projects to be developed by Bena Properties, a member of Cham Holding and the parent company of Al Fajr S. A. of Syria.
The 5-star Yasmeen Rotana is conveniently located in Mazzeh on the Damascus – Beirut highway, 15 minutes from the heart of Damascus and only 35 minutes from Damascus International Airport.
The hotel will feature 338 rooms including three executive floors and three restaurants offering some of the world’s most popular cuisine, as well as an executive lounge, a 600-seat banquet hall, six meeting rooms, a spa, a fitness centre with swimming pool, a sky bar and a cigar lounge.
With its contemporary design and distinctive Damascene tones, the Yasmeen Rotana promises to be one of the best hospitality venues in Syria. This property will be managed by Rotana, a leading hotel management company in the Middle East and North Africa.
Arabtec, and its subsidiaries, have built many of the famous building landmarks in hotels and hotel interior industry such as Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the Address Downtown Burj Dubai Hotel, the Aloft Hotel, Burj Al Arab & Jumeirah Beach Hotel Interiors, Emirates Palace Hotel, Fairmont Hotel, Abu Dhabi Sheraton Hotel, Dubai Ritz Cartlon Hotel, and Al Bustan Hotel in the UAE.
Yasmeen Rotana hotel project will be executed by a group of International Companies; The Project Manager is Mace International, and the main Consultant is Woods Bagot, who has been leading and collaborating with very reputable sub-Consultants such as BG & E and Red Engineering. The Interior Designer is LW Design, and the Local Supervision has been subcontracted by Woods Bagot to Halcrow Syria.
Mr. Riad Kamal, CEO of Arabtec Holding stated, “We are very excited about our new project in Syria. Our first project, the 8th Gate for Emaar-Syria Invest Group Overseas (IGO) is almost complete, and we are targeting this market aggressively.”
Mr. Hawazen Esber, CEO of Bena Properties, stated “Our partnership with Arabtec is based on their impressive track record in construction in general, and hotels in particular”.
It seems to be old – see below – also value is huge for such hotel
Arabtec to Build Yasmeen Rotana 5-Star Hotel in Syria
Dubai Arabtec has been awarded the contract for the construction of the Yasmeen Rotana Hotel, owned by Al Fajr SA of Syria.
Yasmeen Rotana is a 5-star hotel valued at over $120 million (Dh440.4 million) with a construction value of approximately $67 million.
The 5-star hotel is the first of many projects to be developed by Bena Properties, a member of Cham Holding and the parent company of Al Fajr SA of Syria.
Yasmeen Rotana is loc-ated in Mazzeh on the Damascus-Beirut highway, 15 minutes from the heart of Damascus and only 35 minutes from Damascus International Airport.
The hotel will feature 338 rooms including three executive floors and three restaurants offering some of the world’s most popular cuisine, as well as an executive lounge, a 600-seat banquet hall, six meeting rooms, a spa, a fitness centre with swimming pool, a sky bar and a cigar lounge.
Riad Kamal, CEO of Arabtec Holding said, “We are very excited about our new project in Syria. Our first project, the 8th Gate for Emaar-Syria Invest Group Overseas (IGO) is almost complete, and we are targeting this market aggressively.”
With its contemporary design and distinctive Damascene tones, the Yasmeen Rotana promises to be one of the best hospitality venues in Syria.
This property will be managed by Rotana, a leading hotel management company in the Middle East and North Africa.
Arabtec and its subsidiaries have built many of the famous landmark hotels and hotel interiors such as Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the Address Downtown Burj Khalifa Hotel, the Aloft Hotel, Burj Al Arab and Jumeirah Beach Hotel interiors, Emirates Palace Hotel, Fairmont Hotel, Abu Dhabi Sheraton Hotel, Dubai Ritz Carlton Hotel and Al Bustan Hotel in the UAE.
International companies
The Yasmeen Rotana hotel project will be executed by a group of international companies.
The project manager is Mace International and the main consultant is Woods Bagot, who has been leading and collaborating with very reputable sub-consultants such as BG&E and Red Engineering.
The interior designer is LW Design, and the local supervision has been subcontracted by Woods Bagot to Halcrow Syria.
Hawazen Esber, CEO of Bena Properties, said, “Our partnership with ArabtecArabtec is based on their impressive track record in construction in general, and hotels in particular.”
Source : Gulf News 2010