My Choice

Choosing a major is the most difficult thing I have ever faced in my whole academic life. That is because of the variety of majors which the college is offering for us. At this time I’m confused between 3 majors and they are CNET, IT and Comm Tech. But the most major I like to go through is Comm Tech.

Communication Technology is a program that is full of fun and hard work at the same time. Comm Tech is the program where I can express my talent in way I choose and I want by studying journalism, graphic design and media production depending on my choice and abilities. Like any other major Comm Tech have many advantages and disadvantages in the way of studying and at the career future.

The advantages are that the Comm Tech students are doing many creative activities inside and outside the college to keep women’s voice as high as they can to present the picture of the Arabic women and to save her rights in this huge world. And they have an excellent and bright career future. Now days the UAE needs media people, especially women, to present the country’s name, because women have special thoughts and touch in their work and they know how to deal with colors and shapes more than the men in creating posters and the decoration.

In the other hand, Comm Tech has many disadvantages, one of them is that the people in UAE think that studying Comm Tech and working in Media field is only good for men, and about the woman who study Comm Tech and work in the media they think that she is an open mind woman and her habits are not good. And emirati men can’t accept women with open minds and free spirits.

For that we have to work hard to try to remove this bad thought about studying Comm Tech and working with it from the people minds and convince them and prove how is important to be a Comm Tech student.

Career Portfolio
IN 11

18 thoughts on “Career Future of My Choice- 2002DWC

  1. وانا أأيد الاخت بنت الشيبه
    كملي دراستج يافولك وان شاء الله بتتخرجين وبتفوق وانا متاكد بعد 🙂

  2. الغاليه.. ف كل مكان بتسيرينه ولا أي شي بتسوينه لازم بتحصلين إلي إساعدج وإلي إخرب عليج.. بس إلي بيوقف حياته عسب شخص خرب عليه ترا ما بيوصل مكان.. لازم إتشدين حيلج وتوكلين على ربج وإتكملين دراستج حرام إنج إتوقفين..

    أنا صارلي موقف مشابه لموقفج.. وكان باجيلي 4 مواد وبتخرج.. بس للأسف إربيعتي إلي معاياه من يوم نحن إصغار خربت عليه ووقفت الجامعه.. طلعت من الجامعه و ما إستفدت شي.. وعقب كم سنه عميه أقنعني إني أكمل دراستيه ودشيت جامعه ثانيه وحسبولي نص الساعات الدراسيه وكملتهن وإتخرجت.. صح إني إتغصصت على السنوات إلي راحن ع الفاضي. وإتغصصت أكثر يوم عرفت إنها كملت الماجستير وجريب تتخرج وتاخذ شهادة دكتوراه..

    وايد هذربت اليوم.. المهم الغاليه إنج إتكملين دراستج ولا إتضيعين وقت لأنه الندم ما بيفيدج بعدين.


  3. Dear Sister,

    Your English is near perfect with the exception of small mistakes.

    Let me remind you, my dear sister, that our life is in the hands of Allah. Whatever happens, it must have been ordained by Allah. So, please do not feel anything but good because Allah wanted things this way. Thank Allah for everything and look forward to a great future with the help of Allah.

    I wish you all the best and may Allah bless you, my sister.

    Take care

    Thanks a million

    Your brother, Abdulla

  4. كل مكان تحصلينهم اللي يخربووون عالناااااس

    هالفئه مادري شو هدفهم فالحياه !!!

    بس شدي حيلج وتذكري انه لكل مجتهد نصيب

  5. اتمنى عيبتكم

    دوم اقراهن و اتقطع

    كنت متفوقه
    كنت رئيسة الصف
    كنت مسؤولة التسويق في مجلس الطالبات
    ومرشحه لاكون رئيسة مجلس الطالبات بعد تخرج الرئيسة عام 2003

    جهود بذلتها لمستقبل واعد….واحلام بنيتها….
    تهدمت وتناثرت رمالا
    وذرتها رياح منبعثه من شهيق نفوس مريضه

    وبقيت بشهادة الثانويه
    كل يوم انقعها و اشرب مايهها

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