Investment Analysis recommendation
Dear Investors
My name is Dr. Jameel Matar PhD. In finance UAE national and specialized in investment analysis and market performance. I also have CMA / CPM, with working experience in USA and Europe. If you any question or you would like to get any assistance regarding investment opportunities in the UAE feel free to contact me at my email
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السلام عليكم
اهلا فيك دكتور جمال نتشرف بوجودك في هذا المنتدي
وعساك ذخر لبلادك
ان شاء الله
u r most welcome DR in this site
im interested in ur field ….i got my EMBA in e-commerce
and planning to have PHD too in the same field
السلام عليك اخوى دكتور جمال مرحبابك فى منتدى الامارات ونتمنا مشاركتك فى المنتدى واذا لديك اى ترشيحت نرجو منك ترشيحها الى الاخوه لكى تتم الفايده لى الجميع وتحياتى لك