Apple – MacBook

شاهد فيديو تصنيع الماكبوك اليديد!!!

8 thoughts on “MacBook لمحبين الماكبوك!

  1. Its Amazing
    My friend got 1
    she says that MAC series dznt Need an Antivirus
    coz the MAC programs cant be HACKED or viruses cant attack it

    is this right ? sorry for typing in ENGLISH
    i was Home, But Now at WORK

    yes she is right! i have been using macbooks for more than 2 years now and they are amazing!!!
    never crash..never stop.. so fast.. basically amazing!!

    اليديد مصنوع من الالمنيوم .. عشان جيه لونه مب حلو…
    اما الاسعار فما ادري اذا بتنزل.. لان الصراحه منتجاتهم خطيره و تستاهل اسعارها العاليه،،
    وطبعا مع الماك تنسا الفيروسات!

    بس المشكله التعود يباله وقت.،، و مافي وايد برامج تدعمها ماك ..

  2. Its Amazing
    My friend got 1
    she says that MAC series dznt Need an Antivirus
    coz the MAC programs cant be HACKED or viruses cant attack it

    is this right ? sorry for typing in ENGLISH
    i was Home, But Now at WORK

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