Value 4,789.81
High 4,803.27
Low 4,741.48
% Chg. – 0.26
Prev. Closed 4,802.38
Volume 138,842,601
Turnover 644,821,120.00

TARGET #1 5125-5135-
SUPPORT 4760-4780
LAST SUPPORT 4630-4660


target 2.10
target 1.84

resistance #1 =1.57
resistance 2= 1.67

support #1 =1.48
support#2= 1.42
support#3= 1.36

Last Trade 1.48
Bid Quantity 230,394
Last Qty. 848
Change – 0.03
% Chg. – 1.99
VWAP 1.49
Volume 7,369,495
Turnover 10,963,248
Trades 158
Avg. Vol 46,642
Open 1.51
Prev. Closed 1.51
High 1.51
Min Price 1.29
Low 1.48
Max Price 1.73
Close 1.48

trades volume price
1.48 2,034,506 47
1.49 5,050,588 100
1.50 264,251 9
1.51 20,150 2



resistance#1 = 3.84
resistance #1 =3.99
resistance 2= 4.10
resistance= 4.25
resistance= 4.38

support #1 =1.48
support#2= 1.42
support#3= 1.36

Last Trade 3.78
Bid Quantity 85,225
Last Qty. 4,700
Best Offer 3.78
Change – 0.02
Offer Quantity 41,085
% Chg. – 0.53
VWAP 3.78
Volume 10,905,278
Turnover 41,222,544
Trades 484
Avg. Vol 22,532
Open 3.78
Prev. Closed 3.80
High 3.81
Low 3.74
Close 3.78

trades volume price

3.74 623,957 26
3.75 749,370 43
3.76 888,200 47
3.77 1,087,149 61
3.78 2,575,975 133
3.79 2,309,482 84
3.80 2,656,145 89
3.81 15,000 1

69 thoughts on “Market Share Analysis

  1. most probably true….though its the sad truth

    thats why when i recommend at this stage of the market i recommend the cheap shares and advise to stay away from emaar….the hit in emaar is a striike down hard to arise from when their is even a minor change…20-30% loss in emaar is a fortune to small investors

    just personal advise and opinion

    but emaar still hasnt said its last word or finished playing its games on my charts either

    حد بترجم الي كتبته الاخت … احس انه كلام مهم لكن اخوكم ما فهم شي
    خاصتا ال 29-30%…
    استحملينا يا اميره ترانا ما نفهم لغة الاجانب … ولا قادرين نفهم اسباب بيعهم الاسهم بهالاسعار

    ” من عرف لغة قوم امن شرهم ” … جزاج الله خبر اختي و زادج من علمه

  2. most probably true….though its the sad truth

    thats why when i recommend at this stage of the market i recommend the cheap shares and advise to stay away from emaar….the hit in emaar is a striike down hard to arise from when their is even a minor change…20-30% loss in emaar is a fortune to small investors

    just personal advise and opinion

    but emaar still hasnt said its last word or finished playing its games on my charts either

  3. السلام عليكم

    كل حد يعرف انه اعمار طلبت تشتري اسهمها

    بس اللي مب كل حد يعرفه انه في تحديد لسعر الشراء

    والجماعه قايلين تحت ال 9 دراهم

    يعني اتوقع اعمار يوصل 7 دراهم .. وبعدين يعلنون فالجرايد انهم بيشترون الأسهم خلال اسبوعين
    والناس تبدأ تشتري لين مايوصل 8 وهم يشترون بعد عال8

    مجرد رأي


    Back to the analysis I started in this topic…… I don’t see that the movement of the market today emphasized on the risk and made it more sure….in away the try to break this weeks key and failing due to the lack of cash flow shows that there is no money that has come in and the indicators show more weakness today then they did yesterday…… if 2mrw we cant close above 4838-4860 with volume …then we have another visit down to lower values…..

    personally I have a belief that all this show wasn’t done to reach this low….but there is still a lower LOWER we are doomed to touch sooner or later and the 7 has to show in the shadow of emaar as much as we like to deny it….it doesn’t have to be 2mrw but is going to come ….

    I repeat and say for the long run and for those whom are willing to risk and want to invest for the long run……just buy at these prices and lower……our market if not so optimistic today and next week or even a few months down the road has to reverse and when it does there is no catching

    my advise now is to avoid daily intra trading unless a professional unless u can carefully watch market closely and place your buy orders down 2 supports and sell at 1st resistance…that way you play the game safe and don’t have much to cry about if you need to sell…..

    for the shares worth less than 2 dirham how much more can they lose in worst scenario….not more than 20-30% ….that’s why I say these days are for long term and medium term investors

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