The Kuwaiti Dinar is the highest valued unit of currency.
1 Kuwaiti Dinar is - at current rates - worth 2.02 Pounds Sterling or US $3.73
As of Dec 27, 2010:
1 Kuwaiti Dinar (KD) = 3.55 USD (US Dollar) = 2.29 GBP (Pounds Sterling).
The most valuable banknotes in current general circulation (Dec 27, 2010) are :
•10,000 Singapore Dollar note (US$7,700)
•1,000 Swiss Franc note (US$1,050)
•1,000 Singapore Dollar note (US$770)
•500 Euro note (US$660
هذا الترتيب المذكور
1- الدينار الكويتي
2- الدولار السنغافوري
3- الفرنك السويسري
4- اليورو
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