السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نرجو من جميع الاعضاء اللتزام بقوانين المنتدى وعدم نشر برنامج او فلم او اغنية او اي شئ له حقوق ملكية كما يمنع نشر السيريالات والكراكات للبرامج ومن يخالف تلك التعليمات سيتم حظر حسابة للابد والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

عندي نص بالإنجليزية أريد ان تلخيصة بالفقرات يعني رح اجزئه فقرة فقرة لا يتجاوز صفحتين مين يساعدني؟ ورح اعطيه افضل اجابة

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سُئل يناير 9، 2015 في تصنيف الإجابة على الأسئلة بواسطة اسماعيل رمضان (154,520 نقاط)
تحديث للسؤال برقم 1
when the berlin fell in 1989, the euphoria in western europe was quickly muted by the fear that large numbers of central Eurpeans would come seeking employment. these  worries increased when the soviet union dissolved in 1991. and conflicts broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the enclave of Nagorno - Karabakh, in the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia of Georgia , Moldovia ,and Tajikistan . Within the newly created Russian Federation , violent conflicts broke out in North Ossetia and Chechnya . But the outbreak of fighting in the former Yugoslavia quickly overshadowed the complex large _scale population movements in the former Soviet Union, whose relatively successful efforts to manage them were largely overlooked . This experience shows that the orderly and predictable management of population movements is feasible , even in very complex and fluid situations. Between 1989 and 1996 , nearly 9 million people were on the move in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) _ one in every 30 inhabitants . -Refugees internally displaced persons , and involuntary relocating persons 3,632,000 -Repatriates to country of ethnic origin 3,296,000 -Return movements of formerly rdeported peoples 1,184,000 -Ecological migrants 689,000 -Illegal migrants 580,000 -Asylum seekers,non CIS refugees 68,000 In addition , the fear of further massive population displacements loomed large , in particular with respect to the 34 million or so Russians , Ukrainians and Belarussians in the newly independent states. Without  even moving , their status changed from citizen of the Soviet Union to aliens in their new home countries . In addition to complex citizenship questions, growing intolerance and resentment over past injustices ,identity politics and the prospect of their forcible expulsion to the Russian Federation raised the spectre of future conflict. Realizing the complexity of population movements ,the Russian Federation launched an initiative to hold the 1996 UN Conference on the « prolems of Refugees, Returnees , Displaced Persons,and Migrants » . before the confernce ,a study identified 164 ethno- territorial disputes and clams within the former Soviet Union. The objective of the the region to discuss population displacement in a humanitarian and non-political way , to identify the differnt categories of people affected and to adopt a normative and policy framework. The conference adopted a comprehensive plan of action to address population movements and promote preventive strategies. Among the successes of the process were development of clearer policies , greater coordination of policies the adoption of flexible institutional arrangement and a normative framework to protect displaced persons, and the provision of  humanitarian assistance. Among the shortcomings ; difficulty mobilizing financial resources and inadequate integration of humanitarian and development dimensions of population movements‏
تحديث للسؤال برقم 2
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