السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نرجو من جميع الاعضاء اللتزام بقوانين المنتدى وعدم نشر برنامج او فلم او اغنية او اي شئ له حقوق ملكية كما يمنع نشر السيريالات والكراكات للبرامج ومن يخالف تلك التعليمات سيتم حظر حسابة للابد والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

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سُئل يوليو 23، 2015 في تصنيف مواضيع عامة بواسطة أريج (158,550 نقاط)
Hello, I was very grieved because of the events in Egypt that I have watched every day over the Internet. The song that you sent me was very touching, although I do not understand any words of Arabic, I think I figured out that it is a tribute to those who are unfortunate in the these days have lost their lives. Well these are all guys of my generation. In the area where I live about 20 years ago happened a very brutal war between nations and religions, and taught me that in the war there are no parties other than the criminal and the victim, and that in the war in some way everyone are a bit death. So there is no alternative to peace. It is better to 1000 years to talk, to negotiate rather than spend the the rest of life in the grief and hatred. Man, you gotta keep the peace! Everything else is secondary ... Take care of yourself‏
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