Located in the Pacific Ocean is a tsunami (pronounced [(t) su ː nɑ ː mi]) a set of waves arising from the movement of a large area of
water, such as the ocean and the resulting tsunami also of earthquakes, and moves are great, both on the surface of the water or beneath it, and some volcanic eruptions and explosions beneath the
surface of water, landslides, earthquakes, water, and the crash of a large comets and explosions of nuclear weapons at sea. As a result, the vast quantity of water and energy resulting from the move,
the effects of a devastating tsunami. The Greek historian Tosedaides the first to link an underwater earthquake tsunami, [1] [2] but understanding the nature of the tsunami remained limited until the
twentieth century and is still the focus of attention of many ongoing research. And was referred to as the tsunami in ancient texts geological, geographical and oceanographic waves Alszimk Navy and
see some storms, air degrees of tension high meteorological lead to cyclones, and hurricanes that breed - storm surge rises several meters above tide levels normal. Due to the low air pressure inside
the center of tension. and when you are approaching this storm surges security beaches sinking vast tracts of land, like the tsunami. But the tsunami itself. Such storms flooded Burmaumianamar (May
Often there are no warning signs before the tsunami. However, because the earthquakes are the main causes of the tsunami, what an earthquake is located near any spot of water may generate tsunami
especially if it occurred at a shallow depth, and the size of a medium or high, and the size and depth of the water enough. If the first part of the tsunami which hit the earth is the wave of retreat
and not a wave crest, the water along the coastline could fall dramatically, exposing areas that were already under water. And what can be considered as an early warning of a tsunami approaching the
peak very quickly . If you note any individual in the coastal areas fell the sea suddenly (and is reported by many of the survivors), to be his only chance of survival is to stay is to resort to
higher ground or climb boil an upper floor in a building that high. This happened in Phuket, Thailand, in the coast of Macau. able boys called after Smith of Galatasaray in England in the
tenth-year-old warning of her parents and her sister from a tsunami is imminent approach based on the information received in the school from the tsunami. As a result, the parents warned others on
the beach and hotel staff such as the minutes of the arrival of the tsunami . and thanks to those boys in saving dozens of lives as a result of a lesson in geography, received recently. and in turn
is attributed to the credit of a teacher of geography geography teacher Andrew Kearney. In the tsunami, which occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004, did not monitor the waves bounce in the African
coast or any of the coast east it that flooded when approached by the tsunami from the east. This was due to the nature of the wave - that travels to the descending on the east side of the fault line
and upward on the west side. The echo is the west, which inundated coastal areas in West Africa and other western coasts. Occur about 80% of the tsunami in the Pacific Ocean, but possible to occur in
any large bodies of water, including inland lakes. It may be caused by landslides, volcanic eruptions, and the seismic activities. Indian Ocean tsunami, according to an article published in the
magazine, "geo" (April 2008), the Indian Ocean tsunami which occurred in December 26, 2004 were not the worst may be exposed to the region. According to Professor Costas Senaulaks specialist at the
Center for Research tsunami at the University of Southern California participated in the paper in "International Journal of Physics of the Earth," which he typed with others that the tsunami is
expected to occur in the Indian Ocean basin can affect locations such as Madagascar, Singapore, Somalia, and Western Australia and others. and that the tsunami overwhelming killed more than 300000
persons in addition to a lot of missing and unidentified bodies. and according to some unofficial estimates that nearly a million people have died directly or indirectly as a result of the
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