السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة نرجو من جميع الاعضاء اللتزام بقوانين المنتدى وعدم نشر برنامج او فلم او اغنية او اي شئ له حقوق ملكية كما يمنع نشر السيريالات والكراكات للبرامج ومن يخالف تلك التعليمات سيتم حظر حسابة للابد والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Any doctor that can help?

0 تصويتات
سُئل يونيو 3، 2015 في تصنيف مواضيع عامة بواسطة عنود (162,340 نقاط)
Hi, My name is Mary; my sister whom is 17 years old was diagnosed with Autism when she was 3 years old. She was so hyper and didn’t concentrate that much, so she was treated by Neuliptel and Entumeen from Novarts . she was stable for a long time, but 2 weeks ago she had some convulsions, we took her to the doctor and he said that she had an amount of electricity in her brain; so he gave her a new drug called teril 200 she took but it had a very bad affect , which is not being able to sleep , she slept like 3 hours/Day. So we retook her to the doctor and he changed it to Tegrtol200 also from Novarts , but she also couldn’t sleep ; she slpet 3 hours/the last 2 days!!!  , we took her back to the doctor and he said that he can’t understand why this happens because she is  suppose to sleep a lot of hours (all drugs that she is taking cause the one to sleep) instead of being awake!! My question: is there is any doctor who can explain what is going on with her, is there any reaction between the medicine she is taking i.e. between the Neuliptel, entumeen and the convulsions drugs?? What can we do? if we remove the convulsion drug she will get one .if we keep it she will stay awake what can we do please help , we are from Palestine and there is only 2 doctors in the whole country  whom are specialized in psychology and neurology, but they are not helping Regards , Mary.‏