the red sea is an important shipping route . however , the countries around the sea - egypt, sudan, ethiopia, yemen and saudi arabia -
are lightly populated along the coasts and there are only a few large ports.
in other parts of the world , sand and mud are washed into the rivers by rain, then the rivers carry the sand and mud down to the coast. sand and mud build up on coral refs. they can stop coral
breathing and feeding.
this cannot happen in the red sea because so little rain and there is only one river which flows into the sea - the beraka in sudan.
in addition , there is little agriculture in the coastal areas because of the dry climate. therefore , few pesticides or other agricultural chemicals can find theri way into the red sea. on the other
hand , the red sea is extremely vulnerable. like the mediterranean, it is completely closed, so any pollutants which do get into it will stay there . there are almost rivers to dilute them.
هذا هو النص ارجوا استخراج الاسئلة التالية :
1- ما أهمية البحر الأحمر
2- ماهي الدول التي تطل على البحر الأحمر
3- لماذا الزراعة بشكل قليل عند البحر الأحمر
ارجوووووكم بكرة عندي اختبار
اريد الإجابات بالانقليزي والعربي :(